I Was Here All Along

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Book: I Was Here All Along by Penny Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Penny Blake
bloomed, you can do much better than this guy.  He probably doesn’t have a single muscle in his entire body.”
    I cut my eyes over to Rio, who’s staring at a picture of Brian and I at the beach with disgust.  I wonder if he’s jealous and find myself hoping he is. 
    “That was such a romantic day,” I tell him. “It was the Fourth of July and we hung out on the beach all afternoon, then watched fireworks that night. We kept kissing each other during the grand finale.”
    He grimaces. “I don’t know what could be enjoyable about having one of those skinny, noodle arms wrapped around you, but hey. Not my business.”
    I giggle inwardly, loving that this big, beautiful man is jealous of dorky old Brian. 
    “How about this one?” he asks, stopping at a full body shot of me at the boardwalk wearing a yellow sundress.  “For the website.”
    I don’t look particularly hideous in it, and my face looks pretty enough, so I agree and send it to his phone.
    “Now let’s get an after picture,” he says, standing up and fiddling with his phone. “Do you want to take it over there?” He points to the far wall.
    “You can’t take my after picture with a phone camera,” I say,” “It’ll come out all grainy.  If you’re going to put the picture up in public, at least make sure it’s good.  Let me get my digital camera and we can make sure the settings are right.”
    I locate my camera and then check myself in the mirror, but I’m unhappy with the way I’m dressed.  I’m wearing workout clothes, no makeup and a pony tail.
    I’ve worked hard for this picture, and suddenly I want to make it count.
    I look around my room for something better to wear.  My eyes settle on a Victoria’s Secret bag in the corner, and I get a crazy idea.

Chapter 19
    Stripped Bare
    I take a deep breath and give myself one last glance in the mirror.  I’ve been trying to get Rio to notice me as more than a client for way too long, and now I’m about to pull out the big guns.
    I’m wearing my black lace bra, thong, garter belt and stockings, and I’ve even added a touch of make-up and fixed my hair so it falls over my shoulders. 
    When I catch my reflection in the mirror, I feel a tinge of doubt, wondering if I’m taking things too far.  And yet I know it doesn’t matter.  Because even if this is a horrible choice and I’m about to make my most humiliating mistake to date, the truth is, I don’t have a choice at all. I’m completely incapable of stopping this thing with Rio, whatever it is, until its run its course and I’ve seen it through to the very end.  Whatever that end may be.
    I take a fortifying breath and step into the living room.
    Rio is looking at the computer in his lap, one foot perched on the coffee table and an arm draped casually across the top of the couch. 
    When I shut the door behind me, he turns and looks up at to me.  The only thing that moves are his eyes, which slowly rake up and down my body before meeting my gaze.  And when he does, there’s a hungry, predatory gleam in them I’ve never seen before. I take a step back, only to feel the cool wall against my back.
    I make an awkward little “ta da” gesture that resembles jazz hands, realizing I look more dorky than sexy, and suddenly feeling completely exposed and utterly stupid for throwing myself at someone with zero interest in me.
    Rio continues to stare at me with hooded eyes, then he shifts slightly in his seat.
    “You like to tease me, don’t you December?” he says, carefully setting the laptop on the coffee table without breaking our stare.  “I’ve warned you time and time again that this is not a good idea, but you just don’t listen.  You just don’t listen.  And now this.”
    He stands up and I’m struck by how large and physically imposing he appears in my small living room.  He seems to suck all the air out of the

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