His Reason, Her Choice
than her and bopped into Russell, who stood in the path of her locomotion.
    “Look what Russ won for me,” she squealed.
    “Denita, be careful. You hit Mr. Russell.”
    “It’s okay. No harm done,” Russell assured her.
    “Sorry,” Denita said anyway, but her enthusiasm refused to be quenched. “Look at it, Mommy. Look!”
    “I’m looking, Denita. It’s pretty cool, but it’s going to take up your whole room.”
    “I know.” This fact seemed to excite Denita even more, and she bumbled from the kitchen with her treasure.
    Nicolette appeared and dumped her goodies all over the table. Russ walked in after, and Joy’s gaze locked onto him. Something stirred inside, and she forced herself to shift her gaze to Nicolette. “No stuffed animal?”
    Nicolette grinned. “It’s in my room. It’s green. I wanted pink. They didn’t have pink, Mommy.”
    “You have enough pink to cover the world, baby. Maybe next time.”
    Gloria strode in. “We had so much fun, Joy. I wish you were there, but how did work go, dear?”
    “Fine thanks. I’m a bit tired and hungry.”
    The microwave dinged, and Russ removed the plate and set it on the table. He slid a chair out for her. “Have a seat. Want anything to drink?”
    “If you could pass me one of the bottled waters, that would be great. Thanks.”
    He did and stood behind her chair with his hands on her shoulders. Her heart raced, and a zing of desire stirred between her legs. Too many eyes were in the kitchen, and she was exhausted.
    Nicolette had been sorting through her candy and other souvenirs. She yawned, and her head dipped. “Mommy, can I go to bed early?”
    Joy chuckled. “Of course. You don’t have to ask that.”
    Joy started to rise from her chair, but Russ rubbed her arms and crouched beside her. “Hold on a sec.”
    “I’ll get the girls into the bath, Joy,” Gloria said.
    “You’ve had them all day. I know you’re tired.”
    “Not more than you. All I did was sit down on my rump while they rode the kiddie rides. Don’t worry. You can tuck them in. Finish your food.”
    She left the kitchen with an arm about Nicolette’s shoulders, and Russell stood watching them a second. He touched his stomach again, wrenched the refrigerator door open, and grabbed the pink medicine. Then he disappeared out the door.
    Russ laughed. “Poor Dad. Come to think of it, he better use the half bath and not ours.”
    Joy grinned. “You know you’re wrong for that.”
    He shrugged.
    “Joy, my parents are leaving tomorrow night. After that, I want to talk to you.”
    She put her fork down but didn’t look up from her plate. “About what?”
    “About us.”
    Her throat dried. “I thought we were back on track.”
    His hand moved to her hair. She closed her eyes, enjoying his touch and wanting more. “Not exactly.”
    Was he tired already? She thought she had more time and had even begun writing. Who knew her imagination could stretch so far? Now maybe it meant nothing. Tension lay heavy between her shoulders, but she did her best to hide it. “Okay, that’s fine.”
    After she was done eating, which she accomplished by sheer willpower since she’d lost her appetite, she washed her plate. Then she went to see where the progress was with the girls’ bath. Nicolette played with a toy in a sea of bubbles, and Gloria sat on toilet with the seat down while knitting.
    “Where’s Denita?” Joy asked.
    “She’s in the room,” Nicolette whined. “She said she’s too old to take a bath with me, and Ms. Gloria let her. Mommy, tell her she has to.”
    Joy groaned.
    “That one’s in a hurry to grow up,” Gloria said, amused. “She’ll be a handful as a teenager.”
    “Don’t I know it.” Joy almost felt like whining herself. “It’s okay, Nicolette. I’ll play with you.”
    Her youngest pouted, but they managed to have a bit of fun until the water grew tepid and Joy made her get out. Gloria cleaned out the tub and ran fresh water, while Joy bundled her

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