Mr. Darcy's Forbidden Love-kindle

Free Mr. Darcy's Forbidden Love-kindle by Brenda Webb

Book: Mr. Darcy's Forbidden Love-kindle by Brenda Webb Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Webb
stranded in the storm, but what do you think of Miss Bennet? I find myself growing quite fond of her.” At William’s cynical expression, he quickly added, “I know, I know. I have often thought myself in love in the past, but I promise that I will take my time and do nothing in haste. I am considering extending my lease on Netherfield just for the purpose of getting to know her properly.”
    William considered Charles, noting the eagerness in his eyes and remembering his own desires to know Miss Elizabeth. How he wished he had the right to stay in Meryton and further their acquaintance! Carefully he chose his words, not wishing his own misery to colour his counsel. After all, Charles was like a brother to him.
    “You know my advice—proceed slowly, know your mind. Keep your relationship strictly as friends. Stay if you feel you must, but make no decisions without consulting me. Promise me that we will talk before you progress beyond friendship.”
    “You have my solemn promise,” Charles replied eagerly, his face aglow with happiness as he feigned a salute. “No decision without talking to you.”
    “Then I have no objections to your staying or extending the lease, though I would suggest you extend it by only a few months at a time. That way you can vacate the property in short order if circumstances change.”
    Afterward each man retired for the night as William was determined to leave at the break of dawn.
    As the Darcy coach made its way through Meryton on the way back to London, William instructed the driver to stop at the bookshop. With the book he had intended to give Elizabeth in his coat pocket, he stepped into the quaint shop. The now familiar ring of the bell over the door brought Mr. Grant’s head around the end of a bookshelf.
    “Mr. Darcy! How good to see you again! I am just dusting the shelves. Are you here to find another book?”
    “No, sir, I am away to London sooner than I expected, and I need to ask a favour of you.”
    The gentlemen came forward hastily, brushing his hands against the apron that he wore. “Certainly! How may I be of service?”
    William pulled the book of poetry from an inside pocket of his coat. “As you may remember, I purchased this book that Miss Elizabeth Bennet was admiring, intending to present it to her for her valuable help the other day.”
    “Yes, I remember.” Mr. Grant tried not to smile.
    “But as I have to leave Meryton forthwith, I have not had the opportunity to give it to her. Would you be kind enough to have it delivered to her home? And, if I may be so bold to ask, would you let her assume that you are gifting her with the tome, perhaps for her assistance the other day? She was very helpful to this newcomer.”
    The proprietor smiled. “I would be happy to do so. And as for your being a newcomer, perhaps you are to my humble shop, but certainly not to the world of literature! I was not eavesdropping, you understand, but this is a small shop and voices carry, and from what little I heard of your discussion, your knowledge of the best authors and works is equal to Elizabeth’s.”
    William smiled at the recollection of her crooked grin. “I am most proud to be mentioned alongside such an august reader.”
    With his business finished, William looked about the small establishment, fixing it in his mind. This was where he had first seen Elizabeth, and it would always have a special place in his heart. Taking a deep breath, he turned to leave.
    “Oh, Mr. Darcy!”  William looked over his shoulder. “I am sure that Miss Elizabeth will appreciate the gift, but is unfortunate that she will never know the true benefactor.”
    “I believe that she will know… in her heart.”
    With those words the door closed behind the tall gentleman, and Mr. Grant walked to the front window to watch as he entered an imposing coach. Directly, it pulled away and in a few moments was out of sight. Shaking his head, the shopkeeper turned back to his

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