Mr. Darcy's Forbidden Love-kindle

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Book: Mr. Darcy's Forbidden Love-kindle by Brenda Webb Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Webb
Two days later
    Mr. Bennet raked the back of his weathered hand across Elizabeth’s cheek and was pleased to see her eyes open. It had been two long days since Mr. Darcy had returned her in the early morning hours, and one day since the physician that Darcy had insisted on summoning from London had arrived in Meryton.
    He was duly impressed with Mr. Meacham, as he had stayed with his daughter all night until the fever broke and she was greatly improved. Then, after declaring that it would be days before she would recover her strength or that he would allow her out of bed, he had returned to Netherfield to rest. Leaving instructions to send for him if they deemed it necessary, he promised to return in the morning to check on his charge.
    “Yes, child?”
    “Why do I feel so weak?”
    “You were ill after being caught in the rain and trying to ford the stream with that blasted goat!”  Mr. Bennet could not but smile as Elizabeth’s eyes widened and then crinkled to see that he was teasing.
      She sounded very weak as she enquired, “How is Juliet?”
    “Juliet is doing better than you, my dear. Though, I fear she will reside in a pen from now on. I do not intend for her to escape another time, as her rescuer is not in any shape to save her again.”
    Immediately, Elizabeth pictured an exceptionally tall man with black curly hair, and dark brows and eyelashes which framed sky-blue eyes. His nose was noble and straight and his lips were perfectly formed. And if she closed her eyes, she could once more hear him chiding her as she lay on the makeshift bed.
    Miss Elizabeth, you could have been killed trying to rescue that kid. That was very foolish on your part; you do know that. And I may not be here to rescue you the next time.
    Trying not to appear hopeful, she enquired, “I hope you were not angry at Mr. Darcy for my foolishness. Had he not intervened, I might not be here now.”
    “I did not challenge him, if that is what you are asking.”  Elizabeth tried to smile. “After I calmed down and heard him out, I expressed my deepest appreciation for his assistance to you and for keeping the whole ordeal from being known. Outside our family, only he and Bingley are aware of what happened. I have sworn your mother to silence and Mary, Kitty and Lydia know nothing. Jane figured it out when I brought you upstairs that morning, but the other girls were still sleeping. When they awoke, I told them that you were sick after getting soaked searching for Juliet.”
    “Has he come to call?”
    “Mr. Darcy?” At her nod, he continued. “I understand that he has returned to London.”
    “He did not even say goodbye,” she murmured forlornly.
    “Mr. Bingley informed me that Mr. Darcy received a post that bade him return immediately to London. It must be a heavy burden indeed to be so wealthy and have so many lives dependent upon you.”
    Her reply was barely audible.  “I am sure.”
    Mr. Bennet must have comprehended his child’s disappointment, for she sank further into the pillow and turned her face away. He offered, “Would you like to open the package that Mr. Grant brought today? He said it was a book you admired, and he wished you to have it since you were ill and confined to bed.  I thought I would read a bit to you, if you wish.”
    Even the prospect of a new book could not raise her spirits. “I believe I would like to sleep now, if you do not mind.”
    “Of course, child, sleep will do you good. I shall leave you with Jane. She has been asking to sit with you. All of us have been worried, but you know that of all your sisters, Jane has suffered the loss of your companionship the most.”
    Elizabeth nodded, closing her eyes as though to sleep. It was hard holding back the tears that threatened until he was out of sight. Mr. Bennet leaned in to kiss her forehead, and then rose from his place on the side of the bed. He stopped in the doorway to take one

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