A Man Like Morgan Kane

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Authors: Beverly Barton
desire each other without loving each other.
    "I still want you, Morgan." Her chin quivered slightly. The moment her gaze faltered, she forced herself to look up at him again. "But I don't love you. If I feel anything, other than this unwanted desire, it's fear.
    I'm afraid you'll try to use me again. And I'm afraid in a weak moment, I might let you."
    What could he say to her? How could he justify his past treatment of her? He wanted to deny that he had used her, that he'd taken her sweet innocence and then left her as if she'd meant nothing to him. If he told her that he'd come back for her—on her wedding day—would she believe him? And if she did, would it change anything between them?
    "The passion we feel now, the passion we've always felt for each other, won't just go away because we want it to," Morgan said.
    "No, it won't go away," she admitted. "But I intend to do everything in my power to control it. My life is in a big enough mess as it is. I don't need to complicate it even more. I want you—I need you—in my life right now, but not as my lover."
    Before he could reply, she turned and fled up the stairs. "Beth!" he called to her, but she ran into her room and slammed the door.
    "Wouldit matter if I said I'm sorry that I used you, that I hurt you, that I deserted you?" He whispered the question into the quiet stillness as he stood alone in the foyer.

Chapter 4
    Kane had slept with his door open to the hallway. The fewer physical barriers between Bethany and him, the better. Although he knew no one could break into the house and get past him to her bedroom, he would have preferred sleeping in her room. He was well aware that she would have strongly objected to the suggestion. She'd made it perfectly clear that although she wanted him, she had no intention of Generated by ABC Amber LIT Conv erter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html
    giving in to her desire. He'd treated her badly once, and she'd never forgiven him. In a way, he supposed he'd never really forgiven himself.
    But he wasn't that same rebellious, self-centered young man he'd been sixteen years ago. If he had it to do over again, he'd take Beth with him when he leftBirmingham. But as the old saying went: Hindsight Is Twenty-Twenty.
    AndBethanycertainly wasn't the same shy, insecure young woman she'd been when he left her. The girl he'd known back then never would have taken the initiative and led him into a passionate kiss the way she'd done last night. Nor would his sweet, trusting Beth have warned him that she was going to do everything in her power to control the desire she felt for him.
    What he couldn't figure out was why, if she feared succumbing to their mutual attraction, she had allowed him to take the job as her bodyguard? If she'd asked for another agent, Dane could have sent Hawk or Denby, who were both between assignments. Seeing what a strong woman Beth had become, he didn't think she had given in to either Claudia's or Anne Marie's pleas to hire him. No, there had to be another reason. But what?
    I want you—I need you—in my life right now, but not as my lover.
    Why did she want him? Why did she need him, and not just any bodyguard? He would ask her, if he thought she'd tell him. But his instincts warned him that she wasn't ready to share any more of herself than she already had. The girl he had once known so well was an enigma to him now—a puzzle with several missing pieces. Sooner or later, though, he'd find those pieces and solve the puzzle. Then he'd have the answer to all his questions.
    As long as her stubbornness didn't endanger her life, he'd letBethanyhave her way. But the minute circumstances changed—the minute another attempt was made on her life—the rules would change. For the time being, she could run the show; later she'd have to let him be in charge.
    He stayed awake long after Beth and Anne Marie had gone to sleep. Once he'd checked the security system, he decided it was adequate enough to hinder any

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