Green Smoothie Magic - 132+ Delicious Green Smoothie Recipes That Trim And Slim

Free Green Smoothie Magic - 132+ Delicious Green Smoothie Recipes That Trim And Slim by Gabrielle Raiz

Book: Green Smoothie Magic - 132+ Delicious Green Smoothie Recipes That Trim And Slim by Gabrielle Raiz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gabrielle Raiz
    However what I definitely found was that when I added raw cacao nibs to the smoothie (especially thrown in towards the end of blending) that they complement the flavor without overpowering the smoothie. You get to taste more of the ingredients. Plus you get a little extra ‘mouth feel’ component which I think is important for variety.
    It becomes very same-old same-old if every smoothie you ever drink is well, um, too smooth :)
    Here’s a guide for you to add the OTHER ‘superfoods’ (and I will recap cacao too)!

    The Superfoods In Green Smoothie Magic
    Will I ask you to go out and buy lucuma or maca powder or mesquite? I think you realize that no, I won’t! After all this book is penned so that you can make Green Smoothie Magic with easy to find ingredients!
    If you’re into ‘superfoods’ such as spirulina and other algaes, barley grass, wheatgrass, broccoli sprout powder, maca, lucuma, goji berries, acai berries, cacao, hemp, coconut, camu camu, bee products, noni and so on then do your research and make the purchase and then add it to whatever you like. But if you can’t afford these ‘superfoods’ don’t sweat it.
    ‘Ordinary Ingredients’ Have Magic Too
    To call 2 dozen ingredients superfoods takes the focus from the life-giving properties of dozens and dozens of other wonderful foods that if treated well and remain relatively unprocessed also have extremely high merit. So don’t forget the supposedly ordinary ingredients.
    You may believe (as I do) that spirulina is well worth taking but you can’t justify the expense of camu camu or lucuma. You may find some great benefits to your hormonal system taking maca powder but can’t for the life of you find anything worth forking up the big bucks for some mesquite.
    You may decide that coconut really is a miracle food (as many have attested) and you want to add some to your diet every day.

    There are certain ‘superfoods’ that give you more value for your dollar. If you’re considering more of nature’s bounty as superfoods then you’ll feel super (pardon the pun) when you add apples or almonds, broccoli and brazils, herbs and spices, berries and celery, dried fruits and leafy greens. Choose the best ingredients you can find within your budget.
    So, Can You Put ‘Superfoods’ In Your Smoothies?
    Heck yes! Why not, I say. Go ahead and add them in. My recipes are designed without needing any (sometimes prohibitively expensive) ‘superfoods’ because frankly there is still a LOT of contention about how much extra nutritional benefit one gets from these foods (above and beyond what you can get from other pure sources).
    Use all my recipes as a base. Pop in some lucuma or maca or spirulina or acai or sprouted rice protein powder to your heart’s content.
    First make the smoothie and then add the extras that you want. The superfood will change the flavor somewhat. Maca for example, has a strong taste that is pretty hard to mask. It tastes a little bitter to me. Others will complement flavors very well. My ‘ Vanilla Pudding Smoothie ’ or the ‘ Carob Pudding Smoothie ’ will enjoy a little mesquite and or lucuma.
    Or you may decide to keep everything simple and just go for local organic with a good variety of nuts, seeds, fruit and vegetables. You will thrive no matter what, following the principles of eating a varied diet, mixing your greens avoiding just taking just say spinach and chard, but routinely picking from about a one and a half dozen different greens.
    Me? I like to add spirulina to a smoothie now and then and I use coconut oil and yes I have a certain few ‘trendy’ superfoods but I NEVER go overboard. If you can afford it then test it all out. If you cannot then stick with the basics.
    Cacao – Or How To Make A REAL Chocolate Smoothie (Yup, A Healthy One!)
    One trendy well-promoted superfood that I actually believe is worth the trouble is cacao. It’s the unprocessed form of cocoa (described above). I have done

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