Denying Heaven (Room 103)

Free Denying Heaven (Room 103) by D H Sidebottom

Book: Denying Heaven (Room 103) by D H Sidebottom Read Free Book Online
Authors: D H Sidebottom
rasp had my eyes snapping back up to his although my lip quivered as I slid a
finger over my swollen clit and shivered at the pleasure sensation that raged
through my system and fired into my brain with a spark of ecstasy.
    “Oh” I breathed as I ventured further and found the wet
expanse of hot flesh.
    Jesus Christ, I had never been so turned on, so wet and
blistering as I was right now. With my hand in my knickers, Bulk’s heated gaze
on me, his fist fucking his rigid cock and the soft light to the room, I knew I
wouldn’t be able to hold back my orgasm for long.
    I slipped in another finger, pumping them harder as my
need deepened and my body vibrated in the hunt for its release.
    “One finger, Spirit.” Bulk commanded and I stared at him
in a stunned silence.
    “One – finger” he repeated slowly and I pouted, literally
dropping my bottom lip in a full on sulk.
    “But, I won’t be able to come with just one” I argued as
my chest heaved in shock.
    What the hell was this?
    He stood slowly, his teeth ravaging his bottom lip as the
spark of irritation descended over his glazed eyes.
    I took a step back as he took a step forward and we
continued this way until my back hit the wall and a wicked smile hit Bulk’s
face when he knew he had me cornered.
    “Nowhere to go, little sinner?”
    “Fuck you” I growled back as he took the last step and my
body was pressed hard against the smoothness of the wall.
    I gasped as his fingers gripped my hips and he pulled me
against his hard, sculptured, amazingly nice body.
    “Oh” I moaned when his lips framed my chin and his teeth
grazed me.
    “Do you want to come?” he asked with a small hint of
sarcasm, “Do you want to come hard, Spirit?”
    I mumbled something incomprehensible but nodded to
clarify my answer when I couldn’t form a single word. My body was choking on pheromones
as my pussy flooded with desire.
    “From now on, every single orgasm you have belongs to me.
Mine to feel, mine to watch, mine to taste and definitely mine to deliver.
Touch yourself again without my permission and you’ll pay the price. How much
do you think a quick cop of your pussy is worth, baby? Ten spanks? Twelve? Even
    I frowned slightly but he trailed his tongue across my
cheek bone and rested his mouth at my ear, “You hear me, Spirit, mine.” He placed
a small soft kiss behind my ear as his fingers slid into the edge of my
knickers, “I own your pleasure.”
    “Oh God” I whined as he started to slide my knickers down
my legs and knelt before me, his face coming to rest bang in line with my lady
    “Your painted pussy is fucking beautiful, Spirit. It
makes me hard.”
    I just nodded, unable to breathe never mind answer him.
    “Hold on to my shoulders and support your back on the
wall” he said as he looked up at me.
    I frowned at him, totally confused as to why he wanted me
to take this stance but he gave me a stern nod of authority and I did as he
    My eyes widened when he slid his shoulders between my
legs so I was practically mounting his face and started to slide me up the
    “Bulk!” I cried as my body climbed higher and higher.
    He ignored my protests as he came to stand to his full
height and the top of my head skimmed the ceiling. The fear of being so high
raised my arousal with the danger and excitement just as Bulk knew it would and
I grabbed onto his head firmly with the first stroke of his tongue over the
swollen flesh between my thighs.
    “Shit, Fuck and God, more…” I moaned as my head flopped
back and thudded the wall with a soft thump.
    “Fuck baby, you taste like pure sin. Your pussy looks like pure sin and you make me wanna be immoral.”
    “More…” I mumbled as Bulk’s tongue curled around my clit
and flicked at the hard muscle causing my thighs to spasm and tighten around
his head.
    He gave me what I needed, driving his tongue deep inside
me then shifting and transferring his

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