Maid for the Rock Star

Free Maid for the Rock Star by Demelza Carlton

Book: Maid for the Rock Star by Demelza Carlton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Demelza Carlton
babe. And extra syrup. I'm looking for a little more sweetness today." He winked, then realised his sunglasses hid his eyes. He thought about taking them off, but it was a bloody bright morning. Besides, if the girl couldn't even take his order properly, she didn't deserve a wink from a rock god.
    Shaking her head, the waitress wandered back to the kitchen.
    Jason shrugged. Her loss.
    He resumed reading his newspaper, scanning for the story about Chaya's farewell concert, growing more and more annoyed as he kept turning pages and found no word of it. It should have been front-page news, but some plane crash had claimed that headline, and the paper was full of pictures of the wreckage and the people who'd been on board. He had enough bad news in his own life today – he didn't need to be depressed even more with stories of lives tragically cut short. In frustration, he tossed the paper onto another table. Maybe he'd have been better off staying at the resort.
    The sweet smell of chocolate changed his mind as his pancakes arrived. Chocolate chip pancakes drowned in maple syrup with ice cream and a cherry on top, no less. Fuck, if they tasted half as good as they smelled, he'd have to stick them on his list of requirements for Chaya's next tour. Their final tour.
    He stabbed the cherry with his fork, but somehow it slipped off before it made it to his mouth, splashing maple syrup everywhere. Swearing, he yanked off his syrup-smeared sunglasses and threw them down on the table. Fuck daylight. Fuck breakfast. Fuck hiding. No one knew who he was and soon Chaya would be nothing but a forgotten memory. He was nobody again.
    "Oh my God, it's Jay Felix!" someone squealed.
    Maybe not yet.
    Jason found himself signing autographs and posing for photos with the group of backpackers who'd stopped in to grab breakfast on their way to the beach. One glance at the string bikinis barely covered by transparent shirts and skimpy shorts was enough to lift his spirits. And harden his resolve. A pack of fangirls to play with was exactly what he needed right now.
    He invited them to join him for breakfast and grinned as two of them started fanning themselves. There had to be something wrong with that hotel maid. No one refused breakfast with a rock star.
    He called the waitress over and insisted she arrange for a bigger table, more chairs and pancakes for everyone. And where was his beer?
    Giggling washed over him like a bottle of shaken-up champagne. Balm to his rock star ego and enough to send his hangover away.
    He lifted up the badly behaved cherry by its stalk. "Who wants me to a pop a cherry?"
    Jason grinned as several of them blushed. He didn't care if girls were virgins or experts – he was their first rock star, enough to make any girl forget every other man she'd slept with. He selected a girl whose blush was so red it rivalled the fruit in his fingers. "Open your mouth," he purred, widening his grin as she obeyed, before popping the cherry inside. He paused while she ate it. "I like a girl who swallows."
    More giggles erupted and he basked in their adoration. Almost as good as sex, though he was pretty sure he'd be getting that, too.


    Fresh towels, fresh linen, fresh milk, replacing the plundered contents of the refrigerator...Audra hummed to herself as she worked, wanting to make sure Maxima glowed like the pearl it was for Jay's VIP guests. Foreign VIPs gave tips, which were an always welcome addition to her income, and if she could get one or more of them to put in a good word for her with Annette, she'd be one step closer to the off-season position.
    And perhaps Jay would conveniently forget that she'd fallen asleep in his house.
    She set off the robotic vacuum cleaner in Maxima and headed to Albina to prepare it for tomorrow's guests. Albina had been booked for an executive retreat, she found, so she had to contact Engineering and IT to make sure they provided a long list of computer and communications

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