Another Mazzy Monday

Free Another Mazzy Monday by Savannah Young, Sierra Avalon

Book: Another Mazzy Monday by Savannah Young, Sierra Avalon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Savannah Young, Sierra Avalon
doesn’t give off a relationship vibe. He’s definitely a bed-her-and-shed-her kind of guy.
    He ignores my reproach and takes a seat on the stool just opposite to where I’m standing.
    “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your sister, Mazzy?” I’m a little taken aback when I see that he’s clearly addressing me. Ninety-nine point nine percent of people can’t tell us apart. Even our dad sometimes has trouble distinguishing between us.
    I almost want to ask him how he could tell I’m Mazzy, but I don’t want to give him any more ammunition for me to like him. He has plenty of that already.
    He takes in a deep breath. No doubt he can smell the spices wafting from the portabella mushrooms my sister is sautéing.
    “Suzie, this is my fiancé’s brother, Austin.” I make a point of emphasizing the word fiancé and glaring right at him. “Austin, this is my twin sister, Suzie.”
    He shakes his head. “I never would have guessed the two of you were twins. I don’t see any resemblance whatsoever.”
    I roll my eyes at him, but he does elicit the slightest grin from me.
    “Tough crowd. Apparently it’s a really good thing I don’t have to work as a comedian to pay for my dinner. I think I’d probably starve.”
    My sister looks up from her sauté pan. “You’re really not that funny.”
    “Will you still feed me?” he begs. “I promise not to say another word.”
    “First of all,” I butt in. “I don’t believe that for a minute. I’d be willing to bet money that you won’t be able to stay quiet for an entire meal. And second of all, I don’t remember actually inviting you to eat with us.”
    “I’ll serve wine if you let me stay.”
    “None for me,” Suzie says. “I have to work this afternoon.”
    “And apparently I have some clothes shopping to do. My fiancé wants me to meet your parents and attend some swanky functions for which I’ll need to be properly attired.”
    “In that case you’ll definitely need some wine.” He hops down from the stool and disappears from the kitchen.
    “Oh—my—God,” my sister whispers. “That guy is unbelievably hot.”
    “I told you so. Now you see my dilemma.”
    “You’re the one who’s engaged,” my sister reminds me. “I’m free as a bird.”
    I want to tell her she can’t have him, but I know I have no claim on him.
    She turns to face me. “I see the way he’s looking at you, Mazzy. It’s bad. Really bad. He looks like a love sick puppy dog. And he obviously can’t stay away from you. You need to nip whatever it is in the bud. No good can come of it.”
    “I know. That’s exactly what I said. No good can come of it .”
    Suzie studies me. “You want him, don’t you? I can see it in your eyes.”
    “Is it that obvious?”
    She grins. “Oh, hells yes.”
    “Please stop me from doing something completely and utterly stupid.”
    “You mean like drinking wine with him?”
    We both glance at the doorway at the same time and catch sight of Austin breezing back in carrying a rather large bottle of wine. There’s something about the way he carries himself, like he completely owns his surroundings, and how comfortable he seems to be in his own skin, that is so utterly alluring. 
    “I found a bottle of Raymond Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley Generations in the wine cellar,” he announces.
    I don’t know much about most things, but I do know something about two things: food and booze. That’s a very expensive bottle of wine.
    “You’re going to open that now?” I can’t contain the surprise in my voice.
    “Okay, that bottle of wine is worth about a hundred dollars.”
    He raises an eyebrow. “Your point being?”
    “That it’s expensive.”
    He gives me that sexy little grin of his as he removes a corkscrew from his front pocket and begins to open the bottle. “This happens to be one of the least expensive bottles of wine in the cellar.”
    I can feel my jaw drop. “You’re kidding.”

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