Who Gets the Friends?

Free Who Gets the Friends? by Tim Smith

Book: Who Gets the Friends? by Tim Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tim Smith
Tags: Contemporary, Erotic Romance
herself she sat upright and looked at his hard-on. She giggled, then held out her hand. “My turn.”
    “Your turn for what?”
    She crawled over to him. “My turn to take your picture. Surely you’ve posed before, haven’t you?”
    “Not for a long time.” He handed her the camera, then reclined on the bed, resting against the headboard with his hands behind his head.
    Jessica took a series of shots of him from different angles, then zoomed in on his cock, standing at attention between his legs.
    “Mmm, I like that.”
    She set the camera on the bed, then straddled his midsection, placing her palms on his chest. “I really got turned on posing for you.”
    “So did I.”
    She gave a wicked chuckle. “I could tell.” She lay across his torso, then kissed him hungrily.
    Tom ran his fingers through her hair, then down her back to her ass, fondling it. Jessica ground her pelvis against him while kissing him more intensely. After a few minutes she sat up, retrieved the camera, then handed it to him.
    “Why don’t you shoot me sucking your cock?”
    His eyebrows shot up. “Seriously?”
    She answered by grabbing his hard-on and tickling the tip with her tongue. Tom focused on her and took pictures of her loving his cock, running her tongue up and down the length of his shaft before taking him into her hot, wet mouth. When he was imbedded part way, she looked directly into the lens and winked.
    He set the camera aside and closed his eyes, losing himself in the feeling of what she was doing to him. He opened his eyes when he felt Jessica’s thighs resting on either side of his head. She lay across him, nestling her pussy on his mouth while continuing to suck him. Tom parted her lips with his fingers and began eating her, devouring her wetness with his tongue and mouth, sliding his tongue in and out of her. Jessica stroked him a little harder and sucked him with more energy while moaning softly. Tom sucked her clit between his lips and massaged it with his tongue. Her clit was hard. Jessica’s moan of pleasure was muffled by his cock in her mouth as she came, rewarding him with her cum.
    Jessica dismounted, lay on the bed beside him, then pulled Tom on top of her. She panted when she pulled her legs up toward her torso, opening wide for him. Tom quickly unrolled a condom onto his cock, then pressed into her with one long hard push that made her gasp. He propped himself up on his hands above her and made love to her in a steady, unrushed rhythm.
    “Damn, Tom, you’re good.”
    “So are you. You’re so tight.”
    He looked down at his hard cock moving in and out of her. Her lips engulfed his head and she tightened around him. Tom closed his eyes and enjoyed their closeness. Jessica’s intimate scent wafted to his nose, increasing his arousal as she moved against him, urging him on. He thrust his hips harder and faster when he felt his climax brewing, and groaned as he swelled inside her.
    He stayed in position, but kept moving slower, enjoying the afterglow of satisfying sex. This really was making love, not just having sex. Feeling something special for Jessica just makes it better.
    “Jessica, you’re fantastic,” he panted. “So hot and wet.”
    She purred. “So are you. What a tongue!”
    He lowered himself and planted wet kisses along her cheek and neck. Jessica wrapped her legs around his, then pulled his lips to hers, driving her tongue into his mouth.
    “You’re an animal,” she whispered.
    Tom wrapped his arms around her, then rolled onto his back, keeping them locked as one. Jessica rested her palms on his chest and sat up, looking down at him. Even in the darkness her eyes emitted the soft glow of satisfaction.
    “So we’re friends again?” she teased.
    Tom tweaked her firm nipples. “We never stopped.”
    Tom slid into bed, handed Jessica her glass of wine, then pulled the covers over them. She curled up next to him and sighed.
    “This is nice. Too bad you don’t have a fireplace. I

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