Everything Changes

Free Everything Changes by Melanie Hansen

Book: Everything Changes by Melanie Hansen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melanie Hansen
didn’t have anything more to say. He’d said everything he could to salvage the situation, and it was up to Carey to decide whether to let, as Jase said, five minutes in time totally obliterate all the history that had come before it and destroy a friendship Carey could accept he needed like he needed air, or he could choose to put it behind them and move on. It was up to him.
    He took a deep breath and let a smile play across his lips. “Well, it did help, because I did sleep pretty well after all. After I lay awake for a while worrying about it being all fucking weird and tense between us this morning.”
    Jase smiled back, the relief written plainly across his face. “We won’t let it, Carey. I won’t let it. And there’s no reason for us to talk about this again unless you want to.”
    Carey shook his head and huffed a laugh. “Yeah. No, I think I’m good.”
    Jase searched Carey’s expression intently. “Are we? Are we good, Carey? Because if you’re uncomfortable and you need me to leave, I’ll hire a home health aide for you and I will leave today. Your emotional well-being is just as important to me as your physical health, and I won’t endanger that.”
    “Fuck no, Jase. I don’t want you to leave. I want you here. I… need you here. Just… let’s not do that again, okay?”
    “Okay,” Jase said easily. “You’re pretty damn irresistible, but I’ll give it my best shot.” He winked at Carey to let him know he was teasing, then stood up and took his cup and plate to the sink, washing them out and putting them in the dish-drying rack.
    “Gonna go out back on the porch and do a little yoga. It’s gorgeous out. You want to go to the couch, back to bed, shower? I’ll get you settled first.”
    “Couch is good,” Carey said. “I’ll read my new book for a little while, then if you want, you can help me with my home exercises.” It was Carey’s way of saying he wasn’t permanently weirded out by what had happened, that he wasn’t going to cringe away from Jase’s hands on him.
    Jase’s smile warmed Carey’s heart, and he knew he understood what he was trying to say. As he passed by Carey’s chair, he leaned down and pressed a light kiss to the top of his head, then clapped him on the shoulder. “Sure thing, bud. Sure thing.”
    C AREY PULLED himself out of his memories, blowing out a huge breath. He thought about how Jase had looked that very afternoon playing volleyball, muscles gleaming with perspiration, the way his body had smelled, clean male sweat, intoxicating, as he’d helped Carey to the water. Then the water streaming in rivulets over those incredible muscles as he’d emerged from the surf. Carey couldn’t fool himself anymore that the desire that wracked him was because he was in a bad place and his friend was conveniently there and willing.
    Gratitude, warmth, caring, happiness, and friendship. When Carey thought of Jase, he felt all of those things all the time, and now physical desire and want were once again layered over the top, confusing the hell out of him.
    Carey realized his cock was hard and throbbing from his walk down memory lane, and he reached down and pushed his underwear off before spreading his legs wide. He spit into his palm, and he jacked himself hard with long strokes from base to head, his free hand rolling and squeezing his balls. He let images of Jase, memories, flood his mind as he tugged at himself harder and faster, shoving the heel of one hand into his mouth as he came hard, muffling his cry of Jase’s name.

    C AREY CLAPPED along with the stomping, whistling crowd that was calling for an encore. Layla put her fingers in her mouth and emitted a piercing whistle, causing several people near them to flinch.
    “Whooo!” she hooted as the band members ran back on stage. Carey grinned at her enthusiasm, glancing up at Jase as he stood behind the microphone. He looked incredible, flushed and happy, totally in his

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