Immortal Coil

Free Immortal Coil by C. I. Black

Book: Immortal Coil by C. I. Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. I. Black
Tags: Speculative Fiction
image of her with some complicated hairdo piled on top of her head and a corset that barely maintained her modesty popped into Anaea’s mind.
    Heat raced up her neck and she turned away to hide her blush.
    Don’t break eye contact.
    Just don’t.
    His fierce tone shot her gaze straight into the woman’s.
    The woman’s lips curled with a hint of a sneer.
    Hunter was right. If she were him, she wouldn’t have looked away at the thought of some woman’s breasts. She wouldn’t have blushed either, but she had less control over that.
    “I see a familiar aura but not a familiar body.” The woman burst into laughter. “Oh, this is rich. The mighty Hunter reduced to a woman.”
    Anaea bristled.
    “Just open the gate,” she heard herself say.
    “Heavens, no. I want to laugh at you a little more. There’s no way you’d have willingly given up your Crusader. You were more in love with him than me.”
    Do you mind? Anaea said. You’re not allowed to have a conversation without me. She wasn’t sure what most of the conversation was about, but couldn’t stand that somehow he had appropriated her body again.
    Sorry, it just happened.
    She couldn’t tell if he felt contrite or not.
    “You know I have to announce your entrance into Court.”
    He had expected no less, but Anaea heard herself protest anyway. “Only if you choose to. You could just let me slip in.”
    Would you stop that. Nope, definitely not contrite about taking over.
    Jade stood, sauntered to Anaea , and leaned close, brushing her lips against Anaea’s . Hunter shivered with disgust as Anaea did, and they both pulled back.
    “I suppose I could let you... slip in.” Jade curled her top lip back revealing her teeth and Anaea got the impression it was supposed to be a come-on. “As best as you can, all things considered.”
    Jade slid a heated gaze down Anaea’s body and her face burned. This time she did nothing to hide it.
    “I’ll grow my hair out for you.” Jade’s hair lengthened, like stop-motion photography on fast forward. It spilled over her shoulders in long golden locks.
    Holy shit!
    “If I recall, you preferred a curl.” Her hair bounced into gentle ringlets. “And green eyes.” Green light flashed over her eyes. When the light dimmed, they were a breathtaking emerald.
    What was that?
    Jade playing games.
    In the back of her mind, Anaea felt Hunter’s disgust that Jade would use what little sorcerer ability she had to change her appearance. It was such a waste of energy. She was about to ask what that meant when she realized he was considering Jade’s sexual invitation. Not in terms of attraction but in terms of what best suited his needs.
    Absolutely not! She shoved Hunter to the back of her mind. “Announce me or don’t. Open the gate,” she said while Hunter fought against her.
    Jade pouted, her full bottom lip drawing memories of lingering kisses from a long time ago. Anaea ground her teeth. There was no way she was going to have sex with some strange woman who thought Hunter inhabited her body just to have some stupid door opened.
    God, Anaea . Couldn’t you have played along? We could have made a date for after this situation is fixed.
    She hadn’t thought of that, and a small part of her still didn’t like the idea of Hunter sleeping with that woman even in a different vessel.
    “Be that way.” Jade’s pout dropped away and she walked to a slatted-wood door marked “Employees Only .” It opened into a narrow pantry crammed with china and knick-knacks. At the back, a rickety set of stairs led into a cavernous basement—not the low-ceilinged dugout Anaea had expected.
    It was the most space she’d seen in the house. The walls and ceiling were plain concrete. Half a dozen doors lead to other rooms to Anaea’s left, right, and behind her, but the wall in front of her was unbroken.
    With one last heated glance, Jade sauntered to the wall before them, her hips swaying with exaggerated movements.

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