#Selfie (Hashtag Series Book 4)

Free #Selfie (Hashtag Series Book 4) by Cambria Hebert

Book: #Selfie (Hashtag Series Book 4) by Cambria Hebert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cambria Hebert
it irritated her that Rome and I pretty much shared the responsibility of looking out for her, because it would probably piss me off, too. But it wasn’t going to change.
    “Come on,” she muttered, and the five of us walked into the bustling airport. It was a bright place, full of glass and light, with white shiny floors that stretched out as far as I could see. People hurried across it, dragging bags with wheels behind them.
    “You want me to take some of that, man?” I asked Trent. He was carrying his bag, Ivy’s fifty pounds of crap, and half of Missy’s.
    “I got it,” he grunted.
    Ivy was standing next to him, favoring her uninjured foot over the other. Missy was glancing down at the paper in her hand and then up at the signs. “This way,” she said and motioned us all toward the machines that would give us our boarding passes.
    There were so many dispensers that there wasn’t a long line. Rimmel and I stepped up to one, and I ushered her in front of me so she could go first. As she was typing in her info, I glanced next to us where Missy was using the computer. Behind her was Ivy, and Trent was close by.
    Her black-and-white dress fell almost to the floor and skimmed her body, outlining the curves I’d gotten to know a lot better just last night.
    The way her light-blond hair contrasted against the tan on her long, slender arm was something my eyes found very fascinating, and I stood there like a schmuck and stared.
    I knew she felt my gaze. She glanced at me out of the corner of her eye but then quickly looked away.
    “Ivy, you mind giving me a hand?” Trent asked, pulling my attention.
    The skirt swung around her ankles when she turned and glanced up at him. “Seriously, Trent, you look like a pack mule. I can carry some of that.”
    “My momma taught me better than that,” he drawled and then flashed his teeth at her. “‘Course, my momma probably wouldn’t approve of what I’m about to ask you to do.”
    My shoulders tensed as I eavesdropped on their little one-on-one.
    “I’m intrigued,” Ivy replied, interest in her tone and a slight smirk on her face.
    Could she be any more obvious? I mean, shit, we were in an airport for shit’s sake. This wasn’t the time or place to pick up her next hookup.
    “I need my ID.” Trent’s shit-eating grin stretched out across his face, and he motioned toward his conveniently full hands.
    “Oh, where is it? I’ll get it for you.”
    “It’s in my pocket.” He swiveled his hips so his pocket came forward. “Mind grabbing it?”
    Oh, he was smooth. The fucker. That’s the kind of shit I would pull.
    Ivy giggled. My back teeth snapped together.
    She stepped forward and slid her hand down into the front pocket of Trent’s jeans. Did she really have to stand that close to him? Did he really have to look down at her like he was hungry and she was a damned donut? Her entire hand disappeared. How the hell deep were those pockets?
    “Braeden?” Rimmel’s voice cut into my thoughts and her hand brushed my arm.
    I ripped my eyes from Ivy’s search mission and looked at Rim. “Hmm?”
    “It’s your turn.” She motioned to the machine like it was obvious.
    “Cool.” I dropped our bags at my feet and turned my back on everyone as I typed in everything.
    I could hear Ivy laughing, Missy talking, and the low rumble of Trent’s laugh.
    I ripped my pass out a little rougher than I meant and grabbed up our bags. “We’re gonna grab some coffee. You guys cool?” I directed the words to everyone but looked at Missy. I wasn’t about to watch Ivy feeling up Trent anymore.
    Missy frowned a little, and I realized my voice had been harsh. I took a deep breath and gave her my best charming smile. “You need some joe, Miss?”
    Her frown disappeared and she smiled. Missy was hot, like magazine hot. And she wasn’t that bad in bed either.
    Made me wish I liked her as more than just a friend.
    “I’m good, but thanks for asking.”
    I draped my arm across

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