The Care and Feeding of an Alpha Male

Free The Care and Feeding of an Alpha Male by Jessica Clare

Book: The Care and Feeding of an Alpha Male by Jessica Clare Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Clare
never be so happy to see a roof in my life,” she said cheerfully, her breath coming in short pants.
    He bit back his own smile in response. Colt was enjoying her company a little too much for his own good. It wasn’t just that she was sexy and appealing, and that when the rain had started, his shirt had begun to cling to her like a second skin, or the fact that when she bent over, panting, to take a quick breather, that he thought very nasty things about having her bent over.
    He…kind of liked her. And he’d be damned if that wasn’t a surprise. Beth Ann’s personality was cheerful and she was hard-working. The hike hadn’t been a fun one—when the rain had returned, so had the mud, and it sucked at their feet at every step. She’d slipped and fallen twice, and he’d helped her back up. Butinstead of losing her shit about breaking a nail or whining about being tired, she’d simply given a self-conscious little laugh and cracked jokes about her now heel-less Louboutins.
    When she’d asked him to show her which way was north, his curiosity had been piqued and he’d taken her aside for a few minutes to show her how to tell which direction was north when there was no sun and only cloud cover. He’d shown her how to make a compass with a needle and a bit of water. Not that he’d needed it, but she’d wanted to know. She’d seemed interested, and so he’d grudgingly demonstrated as they walked which branches made the best firewood, and how to cut pine bark from a tree to cook. She’d gamely taken a bite and laughed anew when he’d made a bitter face at the sour taste.
    “I’m glad it wasn’t just me, then,” she’d exclaimed, and her gleeful delight had made his mouth tug up in a smile.
    Dammit. She was supposed to be a spoiled princess. He remembered her in high school, always hanging on the arm of Allan Sunquist, jock and jackass. She’d seemed content back then to be arm candy, and he hadn’t had much of an opinion of her. He thought of her when he’d first come back to town—his first sight of her had nearly knocked him flat. She’d been pretty in high school but she was flat-out amazing as an adult. Her blond hair was always perfectly styled, her clothing born to accentuate a long-legged figure. And she’d also been quick to cast him withering look after withering look that had quickly put his back up. He’d learned to avoid her after that.
    Where had that vapid blond belle gone? He couldn’t ask that, of course.
    They moved over the ridge and he offered her a hand to slidedown the steep side. She took it, and stepped down after him, her eyes scanning the horizon. “I thought I saw it.”
    “You did.” He pointed off into the trees. “About fifty feet that way.”
    She gave a fist-pump and grinned at him. “If that thing doesn’t have a roof, I’m going to cry,” she told him, but her face wore a wide smile that made his lips itch to kiss.
    “It has a roof,” he told her. “I had to repair it when we moved in.”
    “Repair it?” she asked as they hiked forward. “So it’s been here awhile?”
    “A long while,” he agreed, pushing past a low-hanging tree branch. “Probably before the emu farm that was here before we bought the place. It’s an old hunter’s cabin, so we don’t use it much, but Brenna likes to keep it stocked in case of client emergency.”
    She visibly perked despite the rain trickling down over both of them. “Stocked?”
    “Just a couple of MREs and some firewood. Nothing to get excited about.”
    “I’m already excited,” she said. “I’ve never had an MRE and I’m already tired of apples.” They’d eaten them along the way, but six apples later, and she was already looking for alternatives.
    “We’ll have a fire and I’ll fix you a meal, then,” Colt said. “But you have to ask nicely.”
    “I am excellent at pleading my case,” she said in a silky, teasing voice. “I’m sure we can work something out.”
    Well damn. He’d just gone

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