Chance For Love (Colorado Blues)

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Book: Chance For Love (Colorado Blues) by Ann B Harrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann B Harrison
growing old with. One who would stick with him through the rough patches as
well as the good. He just had to make sure she was happy here and wanted to
stay with him.
    The first bout of married sex probably helped to
settle her into a good sleep too. It had worked for him. Thinking about it made
his body tense up ready for more of the same. It was only the pain in his hip
when he moved toward her that made him rethink that idea. A hot shower and some
pain killers were probably a better plan. He couldn’t wait until he had the
pins out. Then the muscles would heal better and he would get better movement.
    Callie’s nose twitched and she reached up to brush her
hand over it. When she touched his chest she opened her eyes and for a moment
looked lost and startled.
    “Hey.” He leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose and
watched the color fill her cheeks, highlighting the small scattering of
freckles he hadn’t noticed before.
    “Hey yourself.” A smile broke out on her face and she
rested her hand on his chest, her fingers warm and light against his skin. “How
are you feeling this morning?”
    “Horny as all hell, but I think I’d be better with
some drugs and a hot shower. As much as I’d like to say more of last night’s
action would appeal to me, I doubt I would be able to do much on the ranch
today if I make love to you again.”
    “Such a shame. I was looking forward to wake up sex.”
She pouted and ran her tongue across his lips, teasing and taunting him. When
he lunged for her mouth she pulled back and laughed.
    “Stick to the plan, cowboy. You have to show me what
to do. Not going to be any good if you can’t get your butt out of bed.” She
threw the blankets from their bodies and uncurled herself from against him.
Rising from the bed, Callie looked at him as she slid away to stand on the
    He watched as she walked naked to the bathroom, her
hips swaying with each step, teasing his already rampant libido just a little
bit more. She wound her hair up into a knot on the top of her head and
disappeared from his sight. Chance lay back thinking of how lucky he’d been
picking her for his wife. His brothers were going to be hard to convince, but
it was what he wanted and he was going to finally get to stay at the ranch and
raise his cattle and a family.
    Having to break it to the hordes of fans around the
country was going to be harder. He received mail every day from people who
couldn’t wait for him to come back from his accident. The offers of help had
poured in. Even offers of private nurses should he need them. He knew what that
meant. Women who wanted him in bed at their mercy, no nursing included. But he
was sick of that life and wanted the plain and simple joy of working the land
and the animals.
    He heard the water running in the shower and decided a
romp under the hot water could work for him. Sex and the hot water on his sore
hip might just be the best way to start his day. He rolled out of bed and used
his hand on the wall to help support him as he shuffled along to the bathroom.
The steam was coming from the large open tile shower and Callie was standing
with her back to him. Chance held onto the wall and stepped under the hot
water, sliding one arm around her waist and leaning into her back, his cock
standing proud against her butt cheeks.
    “Took you long enough. I’d almost given up waiting for
you.” Callie turned around and grabbed his face in her hands, planting her lips
against his. “I promise I’ll be gentle with you.”
    “Don’t hold back on my account.” Chance held his
breath as she grinned and slid down his body to kneel in front of him. He
tilted his head back and let the water stream over his face while his wife gave
him the best head job he’d ever had.
    “Sex makes me hungry. What can I say?”
    Callie scooped another ladle of scrambled eggs onto
her plate. “I must remember to collect those eggs today. There aren’t any more
in the fridge.”

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