Chance For Love (Colorado Blues)

Free Chance For Love (Colorado Blues) by Ann B Harrison

Book: Chance For Love (Colorado Blues) by Ann B Harrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann B Harrison
    “You are so beautiful.” The wonder in his voice made
her brave and she pulled him to his feet. With trembling hands, Callie undid
the buttons on his shirt and pushed it apart to shower his chest with her lips.
His fingers toyed with her nipples as she worked her way down to the button on
his jeans. He helped her to shuck them down to his ankles and stepped out of them,
kicking them out of the way.
    “This might be better on the bed.” Chance pulled down
the covers on the bed and guided her onto the soft mattress. He leaned over
her, gazing at her nakedness, a smile on his face.
    She blushed under his scrutiny wishing he would hurry
up and take her. She was desperate for her hot cowboy. Watching his erection
twitching against his stomach was almost more than she could stand. Callie
reached out and wrapped her hand around it, her thumb rubbing over the head.
    “I doubt I’ll last long if you do that.” He gasped and
closed his eyes, breathing hard.
    “Well then, perhaps we should just get on with it. We
can play around a bit more next time.”
    “Since you put it that way, I’d have to agree.” He kissed
her, dipping his tongue into her mouth as he lowered himself between her legs.
His fingers trailed down her belly into the small patch of hair crowning the
apex of her thighs. Chance slid his fingers between her lips and Callie
squirmed in pleasure. She was wet and ready for him and doubted she’d last very
long if he toyed with her like that.
    “Now, Chance. Please don’t tease me. I need you inside
me right now.”
    When he slid inside her, Callie gasped and moaned
    “Did I hurt you?” Chance stilled his body.
    She wrapped her legs around his waist, careful with
his sore hip and thrust herself against him. “No,” she ground out. “Hard and
fast, now.”
    Chance did as she asked, pushing her toward the edge
within minutes. Callie cried out as she tipped over the edge, her fingers
digging into his butt, holding him in place as she quivered around him. With a
final deep thrust, Chance went over and joined her.

    Chance opened his eyes in the morning with Callie
tucked into his shoulder. Her lips were moving with each outward breath and
soft snore. It was cute and he smiled, wondering how annoyed she would be if he
mentioned it. It seemed as though she had the best sleep last night and after
the last few days he wasn’t surprised. Moving half way across the world to meet
the future husband she had to have to save the family name would be tough on
anyone. To find out they were compatible was a bonus, but Chance had thought
they might be anyway. Even in her photos she had an attitude that screamed
independent and strong. Just what he needed after years of being fawned over by
ditzy women who were more interested in being the wife of a famous rodeo rider
than a rancher who wanted to work hard and make his breeding program a success.
    A smile crossed his lips as he tried and failed to
imagine Libby Tucker working in the yards feeding the animals or cleaning out
stables shoveling horse poo . The wanna -be
actress had decided early on to attach her star to Chance’s. Every possible
opportunity for a photo draped over his arm, she took. When he had down time
she always seemed to be staying at the same hotel and more than once had
managed to get into his room and his bed. Not saying she hadn’t been fun to
hang out with, but the thought of spending his life with her left a sour taste
in his throat. She wasn’t someone he wanted to bring home to the ranch.
    Unlike the woman sleeping soundly in his arms. The
moment Chance had seen the photograph of Callie, he’d known she was the one.
When they skyped for the first and only time, he’d
listened to her voice and let the twang roll over his body. She knew what she
was talking about when it came to ranching, or farming as she called it. Her no
nonsense approach had won him over instantly. Here was a woman he could see

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