A Beautiful Thought (The Beautiful Series)

Free A Beautiful Thought (The Beautiful Series) by Alicia Rae

Book: A Beautiful Thought (The Beautiful Series) by Alicia Rae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alicia Rae
Tags: Contemporary Romance
ticked-off stance with his arms crossed over his chest and his feet spread. His sculptured arms bulged from his gray tank top.
    I shook away how delicious he looked in his gym outfit as I stepped off the treadmill. “I take it you’ve been in your room?” I stepped closer to him while managing to keep my game face in check even though it was sort of funny and cute to see him angry.
    His eyes roamed up and down my body, darkening with lust, before snapping back up to mine. The scrumptious look on his face had me pressing my thighs together. Sexual tension brewed in the air, and it was so thick that it was unbearable.
    “Yep,” he said, clenching his jaw. “Any particular reason you felt the need to throw my shit all over the room?”
    “Uh…because it made me feel better.” I skirted around him to head for the shower. “And you left them all over the bathroom floor instead of using the laundry hamper.”
    “I was making a point,” he retorted, trailing behind me.
    I entered the bathroom and flipped on the shower. I whipped around as Damon stopped at the doorframe, and I stood near the counter to retain an adequate distance between us.
    “And what’s that?” I questioned, not understanding his motives in the least. “To drive me crazy?”
    “No.” He took a step forward while making direct eye contact with me. Emotions flared in his eyes. “To prove that I’m different from the other assholes you’ve dated.”
    “Well, you have an odd way of showing it.” I laughed humorlessly.
    He leaned into me and set his hands on the counter, his arms on either side of me. My heart rate skyrocketed.
    “I did it because you cut me deep with your words the day we shared that kiss.”
    My cheeks heated, and I broke our gaze.
    With one hand, he cupped my chin and tipped my head until our eyes locked again. “Don’t ever hide your eyes from me,” he chided softly. “I’m sorry for this past week.” He caressed the base of my jaw. “I didn’t know how to handle the feelings you invoke within me. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I’m different, Gail.” He lowered his head until his lips were barely above mine. “Let me prove to you that I’m worth the chance,” he breathed.
    His honesty had all my reservations flying out the window, and my perseverance to stay away snapped as I fully gave myself over and kissed him. This kiss was nothing like the first. This time, it was sizzling hot with pent-up desire and longing all rolled into one. I looped my arms around his back to hold on while I reciprocated his keenness and the all-consuming passion he put forth.
    A low, raw rumble left Damon’s throat as he gripped my ass. He hoisted me onto the counter and pulled me against him as he kept our lips together. The hardness of him had my core tightening and pulsating with anticipation. I had never wanted another man the way I wanted Damon right now.
    His hands glided up my waist, and he took off my shirt and bra at the same time. He descended forward, enclosing his mouth over my nipple. His tongue swirled around it while his hand firmly kneaded the other. I drew in a single breath and wrapped my legs around his waist, squeezing them, as my body trembled for him.
    Damon’s hand came to my shoulder and gently pushed as he whispered, “Lie back.”
    I braced my hands on the cool counter behind me for balance as his lips brushed soft kisses down my stomach. His tongue circled around my belly button as he kneeled between my legs, and he brought his hands to my yoga capris.
    I lifted one hand, swatting him away. “I just worked out,” I protested.
    Damon shook his head. “You smell fucking beautiful, sweetheart, and I need to taste you—now.”
    He tugged off my leggings and panties, and then he placed warm kisses on my thighs. “I can’t wait to explore every inch of your gorgeous body,” he murmured against my skin.
    His tongue connected with my sex, leisurely dragging over my sensitive tissue, as he

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