Starr Fated
I'm sure she’s not. Well, at least I hope she’s not.”
    “So she’s
either frigid or gay. Well done, little brother, you certainly know
how to pick a great girl. So what do you plan to do? My advice is
to walk away now, before she completely does your head in. Oh but
wait, you can't; dick brain that you are, you gave her a room in
your house, didn't you?”
    “I don't want
to walk away. I’ve told her I’ll wait. I’ll be patient and give her
time. I’ll wait until she feels ready for us to have sex together,
and I love the idea of being her first guy. So we’ve been going on
dates, spending time together, getting to know each other
    “So you want
to pop her cherry. How sweet. But what happens if she decides she’s
gay instead? You watch her walk off into the sunset with another
    “Liam, do you
have to be so fucking nasty all the time?” Jamie snapped at me. So
he was worried that his precious little Seraphina was gay, and that
he was wasting his time.
    “Just telling
you how it is. I think you need a reality check instead of living
in cloud cuckoo land. How long are you going to give her to decide?
How long can you last without a proper, decent fuck instead of
making do with a wank while you watch some porn?”
    “We haven't
actually discussed any kind of a definite time limit, but I’ve got
us tickets for the Spring Ball. I’ve booked us a room to stay the
night at the hotel where it’s being held, so that’s when I'm
thinking it’ll finally happen between us. Sera might be going to
the States on an exchange program at the end of term, so I'm
certainly hoping things will have moved on between us by then. I
thought maybe I could go and visit her over there when I’ve
finished my exams, seeing as I’d planned to do some travelling
    “She’s going
to the States?”
    This sounded
more promising. Just get her away from Jamie for a while, and he’d
soon forget about her and move on. It was only because she was
right there in the same house taunting him that he was still so
obsessed with her.
    “It’s not
definite she’s got a place yet. There’s a lot of competition, and
she’d stand a much better chance if she could get an internship in
a decent company here first, but it’s really hard to get a place
apparently. So I did wonder if maybe…”
    “If you would
agree to give her an internship at Starr Capital, just for a month
or so. It would look really good on her application.”
    “Did she put
you up to this?” I asked suspiciously. I wouldn’t put it past the
conniving bitch to have had a motive like this all along.
    “No! Not at
all. When I mentioned the idea to her, she was horrified, actually.
She’s fiercely independent, and hates the thought of me trying to
help her out. But if it helped her reach her goal, then I think I
could persuade her to see sense.”
    “Hmm. My
Creative Director claims his team is snowed under at the moment, so
I suppose I could take her on. She could help out by doing the
photocopying, making the tea, answering the phone, running errands,
that kind of thing. It would be unpaid though. Her payment would be
having Starr Capital Ventures on her CV.”
    I wasn’t
offering this placement to help her. I was doing it to hopefully
enable her to move away from Jamie. I wanted to break them up, one
way or another, because my brother deserved so much better than
this time wasting female he’d got sucked in by.
    “That’d be
great! I think it would make all the difference. I’m sure I could
get her to agree, and hopefully then she’ll be really grateful and
    “And then you
think you’ll finally get laid, eh?” I smirked at my brother. I
didn't think he stood a chance in hell, whatever happened. He was
just being strung along by this flaky, opportunist bitch, and I was
going to prove it to him.

    The ultra modern offices of
Starr Capital Ventures were pretty much how I expected them to

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