Master of the Game (Rush Series Book 3)

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Book: Master of the Game (Rush Series Book 3) by LR Potter Read Free Book Online
Authors: LR Potter
stood clutching her own duffle and looked
around the room searching for someone. He couldn’t believe it. She was here.
Without conscious thought he moved swiftly toward her.
turned her head and looked past him for only an instant before recognition had
her swinging her head back in his direction. So many emotions flitted across
her face: surprise; happiness; followed by a too brief expression of pure need.
These disappeared quickly as her face fell. Her bag slipped unheeded to the
floor as he drew near. Her chest was heaving when he reached her and he could
see dread and fear in her eyes. What was
going on , he wondered. He set his own bag down at his feet.
one hand, he brushed her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “Hey, Little
Devil. I was wondering where you took off to,” he said softly.
    Her face
flushed at his words. “Cowboy,” she stammered, and just for a second she turned
her face into his hand before jerking away.
allowed his hand to drop as he struggled to understand her bizarre actions. “Is
everything all right?” he asked.
    In his
peripheral vision, he saw a Hispanic man approaching them.
your friend?” he heard the man ask.
he dragged his eyes from hers to the stranger’s nearly smirking face. He saw
her shuffle her feet and her face blushed nearly scarlet.
    “ Uhhh . Roman,
this is… this is… I don’t really know who he is,” she said haltingly.
slid his mocking eyes over her once more before turning to the man. “Ben
Allred,” he said as he stuck out his hand.
Alcazar,” the man said taking his hand. “I assume you’ve met my wife, Devon?”
he asked innocently enough.
wife ? Those
two words ricocheted around Alex’s mind for an endless moment. He remembered
seeing a cartoon as a kid where Captain Hook shot a cannon ball which caught a
Lost Boy in the solar-plexus. He now knew what that felt like. He struggled to
contain the swift intake of air. He flicked his unbelieving gaze back to
Devon’s. She held it only briefly before dropping her gaze to the floor. His
chest tightened painfully as shock, disbelief, and pure fury washed over him.
She was married and she’d invited him, a total stranger to have sex with her.
To say he was shocked would be an understatement. She just didn’t seem the
type. In fact, she seemed nearly innocent. His mind went to the odd
conversation they’d had during that night, pressed against the window. Was she
talking about her husband? He quickly shifted his mind away from that memory as
the vision of her on her knees, naked before him came into view. He couldn’t
think about that.
realized the man, Roman, was waiting with a puzzled expression on his face.
Shame and guilt settled like a rock in his belly which only made him more
furious at her deception to both him and her husband. “ Uhh ,
yes, we’ve met. It’s nice to meet you,” he said to Roman.
you part of the expedition also,” Roman asked.
felt his body freeze. They were going on the expedition? Slowly, the man’s name
brought forth the dossier he’d read on him. Roman Alcazar - gradated from Baylor University, but hailed from Mexico… and had a cheating wife. Roman
Alcazar was looking better and better as his arms dealer. All he longed to do
was get far away from the two-timing hussy, and now he was going to be sleeping
within feet of her for weeks. He didn’t know if he could do it. Taking a deep
breath, he replied, “Yes. You as well?”
This is my first official dig, so it’s pretty exciting stuff. How do you know
my wife?” Roman asked.
    If the
man said his wife one more time, Alex
was going to throw something. He fumbled for a second for an answer, when
finally she spoke, “We met in the restaurant my first night here.”
Roman replied with a grin, “At least you’ll know someone on the team beside
jaw clenched. Needing to get far away from the vixen, he

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