Seductive as Flame

Free Seductive as Flame by Susan Johnson

Book: Seductive as Flame by Susan Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Johnson
conversational gambit and specifically as a service to his cousin, Sofia lightly said, “Don’t you agree, darling. Lord Cosgrave is one of the better polo players in England.” She turned to Violetta with a smile. “Did you know Jamie played polo all over the world? Such lovely strong muscles one develops playing that game. But you know that, don’t you, since you and Cosgrove are such good friends. Jamie, dear, why don’t you get us both a little drink,” Sofia murmured. “I’m sure Violetta would adore that nice cherry eau-de-vie.”
    Left à deux with such an intriguing subject, the ladies’ conversation continued apace, Violetta was calmed, her assault diverted, and Zelda was spared.
    In the meantime, Alec pulled Fitz away from a group of his guests who were discussing the day’s hunt. “Sorry,” he said once they were away from the other men. “But dinner’s about to be served and I need a place card changed. I want to be seated next to Zelda.”
    “Do you think it’s wise?” Fitz had seen Jamie stop Violetta before she reached Zelda.
    “I don’t care if it is or not.”
    One look at Alec’s face and Fitz said, “I’ll have Neville take care of it.”
    “I appreciate it.”
    “You know what you’re doing, I presume.”
    Alec grinned. “Fuck no, but it feels good.” And turning, he strode away.
    The duke caught his butler’s eye, called him over with a nod, and a moment later Neville was detailing the duke’s instructions to an underling.
    Returning to Zelda, Alec smiled. “That went well. Now I can entertain you at dinner.”
    “You’re mad!”
    “You shouldn’t have!” She bit her bottom lip in dismay and consternation and outright alarm. He was being entirely too rash. “Promise me at least you’ll be discreet,” she said even as her pulse rate accelerated.
    “I can’t promise that.”
    “You must !”
    He shot her an incredulous look; women didn’t give him orders.
    “Let me rephrase that,” she swiftly amended, knowing she had no authority over his actions. “I dearly wish you’d be discreet.”
    “As do I, but Christ, it’s been a fucking long day of incredible self-restraint. Oh hell, I’ll try,” he quickly said at the sudden alarm in her eyes. “How would that be? Really, I’ll try,” he added, his voice soft and low.
    “Thank you,” she whispered. “I so dislike everyone staring.”
    “They’re only looking because you’re gorgeous tonight in that green velvet gown,” he lied, knowing full well why they were staring. “Like a lovely Christmas package, I thought when I first walked in and saw you. My present,” he said in a husky rasp. “If I can last sixty-four hours more.”
    “If I can last,” she said on a small caught breath.
    His smile was instant and sweet. “Let me know if you change your mind,” he softly said. “I’m always available.”
    Her fingers closed over her fan struts so hard her knuckles went white. “You’re not being helpful,” she whispered.
    “Oh, yes, I am. Believe me I’m accommodating as hell. I would have fucked you this morning after breakfast if I’d not been charitable.”
    “Alec, stop!” she hissed, her cheeks pinked with fear and arousal.
    “Yes, dear.” His smile was pure sunshine, his world suddenly rich with promise. He may not have to wait until Monday after all.
    But dinner was an ordeal even for Dalgliesh. He’d never had to curb his libido under so many watchful gazes. If it wasn’t so grueling, he would have found it amusing.
    “Don’t these people have any other interests?” he whispered.
    “Apparently not,” Zelda said under her breath. “Including your wife. She’s watching you.”
    He’d noticed. Violetta rarely watched him. It wasn’t a good sign. Would he have to protect Zelda from her spleen? Good God, this fuck was getting complicated. Signaling a footman, he quietly said, “Keep my whiskey glass full,” and proceeded to drink his dinner.
    Which in itself

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