Wanted: Handsome Alien Abductor

Free Wanted: Handsome Alien Abductor by Myra Nour

Book: Wanted: Handsome Alien Abductor by Myra Nour Read Free Book Online
Authors: Myra Nour
he wanted from a partner while studying a planet. He also realized that his future wife might come from one of these relationships.
    When was the last time he was home? Ryja couldn't remember without thinking about it. His travels kept him busy and happy. While he stayed in frequent contact with his family, he didn't get home as often as he'd like or should. Ryja had a sudden longing for far off Arrak . He instantaneously decided he would head home after finishing with Earth's studies. If he didn't find a future mate while exploring the universe, then maybe it was time to start looking on Arrak .
    Zendra, his neighbor for years, was a lovely girl. With her long, sandy colored
    locks and slender frame, she was never without male company. They had dated a few times before he took off for the stars. He knew Zendra had a crush on him since they were teenagers, and he liked her too.
    Movement drew his thoughts back to Amber. Zendra was on parallel with Amber in the intellect arena, but she knew so much more because his people were more advanced. But then, Zendra had no interest in history or the Galactic Library. He smiled. Amber was excited about every aspect of studying history.
    Her eyes had gone wide like a little kid when he told her about the Library. Giving Amber details about the Library had been the topic of discussion at breakfast. He had almost seen her internal wheels turning, trying to figure out a way to one day see the famous Library.
    Zendra also didn't have a sense of humor either, while Amber often made him chuckle. No, he realized at that moment, Zendra didn't hold a candle to Amber for a partner.
    He looked at her, knowing his mind had been flowing with thoughts as she chatted.
    "You didn't hear a word I said."
    "Yes, I.” He stopped. “You are right, I didn't."
    Amber put her hands on her waist. “If I didn't know better I'd swear you were a male from Earth."
    It was hard to think when her hands crushed the fabric into her waist, highlighting how tiny it was. Her action had pulled the neckline down lower too. Ryja swallowed. Her big, creamy breasts rose over the material, seemingly made for a man's touch. Was that a pink nipple he saw peaking over the edge?
    "Hey, I'm up here.” Amber snorted, pointing at her head with one hand.
    Ryja felt his cheeks redden, while his penis was half-hard just looking at her. “I'm sorry. It's just that you are so breathtakingly lovely, that I was tongue-tied."
    "Oh.” Her arms eased down to her side, while her eyes glided downward. “I see that you are telling the truth."
    His stomach growled, saving face in a different way. She giggled. He took that as
    his escape from an uncomfortable situation. Normally, growing an erection at the sight of a lovely partner wouldn't even be an issue. But he was trying to maintain a certain distance and decorum during the duration of their agreed nine dates.
    Sticking out his arm, he said, “Ready to go?"
    Nodding she slipped her hand into the crook of his arm. He escorted her all the way to the jump room, determined to act the gentleman he'd studied in the old movies. Amber glanced around once they entered the room. To assure her, he explained, “We're going to use the pads, but not the bubbles."
    He stepped up on one pad and she followed his example on the other. “We'll be beaming to Earth."
    She looked a bit nervous, which he found a little odd. Amber had accepted the shield growing up around her and then the disorientating time jump just fine. Maybe it was because this was different. He told the computer the coordinates before she grew more anxious. They beamed into an alley, and Ryja stepped quickly to Amber's side, taking her arm.
    "Where are we?"
    "New York City."
    She scrunched her nose. “Stinks.” They both turned, taking in their surroundings.
    The alley was dark and narrow, trash cans and a dumpster lined one side.
    Amber looked up at him, the distance between them less since she wore heels. “An alley sounds

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