Snowbound Summer

Free Snowbound Summer by Veronica Tower

Book: Snowbound Summer by Veronica Tower Read Free Book Online
Authors: Veronica Tower
Tags: Erotica/Romance
Ron's memories were taking him. “Are you saying you'd like to make out with me?” she asked—not that she really had any doubts about that. Then she remembered their little game and said, “I have a boyfriend, remember.”
    “So did she,” Ron said, “which sort of brings me to my point. Sandy and I were sitting together in the basement wishing we were doing more than sitting but not really knowing how to get started.”
    Ron always seemed so confident and self-assured to Kara that it was hard for her to imagine a time when he felt out of his depths. “So what did you do?” she asked.
    “We played truth or dare,” Ron told her.
    “You what?”
    He grinned. “You heard me.”
    “And you—”
    “Want to play the game with you now,” Ron said.
    The bartender arrived with their drinks and Ron broke off talking while he pulled out his wallet and paid him. Kara took the opportunity to sip hers. It wasn't well made. There was too much head in the glass, but the flavors she had grown to love were still hidden under the foam. She set her glass down and wiped her mouth with a napkin while Ron took a long swig of his own. When he set down his glass, he sported a drinking man's mustache which glistened on his upper lip.
    “So what do you say?” Ron asked. “Will you take truth or dare ?”
    Kara found the whole idea amusing. “Do you really want to do this?”
    Ron grinned. “It's a great way to shake things up a little.”
    That answer made Kara wonder if Ron felt they needed to shake things up, but then she realized she was letting her insecurities cause trouble where there didn't have to be any. She decided to try Ron's game. “Truth!” she told him.
    Ron laughed. “I knew you'd pick that one, you coward.”
    “What do you mean, coward?" Kara asked.
    Ron kept laughing. “You know what it means. You picked truth because you were afraid I'd dare you to do something totally crazy like get up on the bar and dance for me.”
    Kara's heart stopped beating for a moment. A dare as crazy as that had never even crossed her mind.
    Ron seemed to find her facial expression comical because he began to laugh harder. “Okay, truth ,” he repeated when he began to calm down. “ Truth! Let's see if we can make truth much more challenging than a dare would be. What is the most exciting public place you've ever fantasized about having sex?”
    Kara shivered. If she'd been surprised before, this time she was really shocked. The first time Kara and Ron had made out—well, it had actually been a lot more than making out—had been in public. She had no doubt he was asking this question to store the information away to use in the future. “I-I don't know,” she told him.
    “It's called truth not lies," Ron told her.
    Kara squirmed in her seat and took another drink of her beer. She didn't really taste it because her mind was fully focused on Ron's question—except for the part of her mind that was watching Ron stare at her with those beautiful blue eyes. “I-”
    “Kara?” Ron prompted her. Under the scrutiny of his gaze, she forgot that in this game they were playing they hadn't exchanged names yet.
    “I—” She still couldn't wrap her mind around her own fantasy well enough to put it into words. She'd grown moist between her legs and heat flushed her face.
    “ you remember what we did in the airport?” she whispered.
    Ron's cocky grin creased his face again. “Of course,” he said.
    She could picture it in her mind. They were snowed in at the airport on Christmas Eve, sitting against the wall with their coats covering their laps and Ron's arm around her shoulders. The other arm was beneath the coat and his fingers had glided up the soft flesh of her inner thighs and... “I want to do it again,” she whispered just before she shuddered in remembered pleasure. A young woman all done up in Goth makeup had watched them, knowing Ron was touching Kara, but everyone else in the airport had been oblivious to

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