Deep Surrendering: Episode Seven

Free Deep Surrendering: Episode Seven by Chelsea M. Cameron

Book: Deep Surrendering: Episode Seven by Chelsea M. Cameron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chelsea M. Cameron
Tags: new adult romance
M y mouth gaped and I couldn’t breathe for a second. “What the hell are you doing here?” I asked. It was a logical question because he was supposed to be in Germany. Not here. Not standing in the doorway of his apartment looking disheveled with dark circles under his eyes.
    “I had to see you,” he said in a cracked voice that was so desperate, it nearly broke my heart. He almost sounded like he was going to cry.
    “I had to see you,” he said again, but didn’t move, like he wasn’t sure if I was real. I wasn’t sure if he was real at the moment either.
    Unable to think about what I should say, I just opened my arms and he stumbled into them. He looked so worn out and exhausted, I wondered if he used his own arms to fly here.
    He lowered his head and exhaled, melting into me.
    “Are you real?” he said into my hair.
    “I think so. Are you sure I’m not still asleep? I did just wake up,” I said, running my hands up and down his back. He trembled a bit in my arms. I’d never seen him this broken down.
    “Should I pinch you?” he asked, and I smiled. He was still in there.
    “Maybe. Just to be sure.” And of course he didn’t pinch me on the shoulder or the arm. He pinched my ass.
    I yelped and jumped a little in surprise.
    “I think I’m awake,” I said.
    “But maybe I should do it again, just to be sure,” he said, and I held on to him tighter. He was here . And we were still standing in the doorway. I started walking backwards, dragging him with me until we were inside. He shut the door behind us with a slam.
    “I just . . .” I didn’t have words. I was elated to see him, but I didn’t know what to think. Fin pulled back so he could see my face.
    “Are you happy to see me?” A hint of doubt rippled through him, and I shook my head.
    “Yes, of course! It’s just shocking. I think I’m still trying to figure out how it happened.” I ran my hands up and down his arms. I’d missed these arms. And the rest of him.
    “Well, I got on a plane and now I’m here. Simple as that.” He raised one shoulder in a shrug, but I knew it couldn’t be that simple.
    “What about your dad?” I whispered it as if the mere mention of his father would cause him to appear in front of us and ruin the whole thing.
    He took one finger and put it to my lips.
    “Shh, I don’t want to talk about him. I want to take you to bed and never let you leave.” Well, that sounded . . . I think I could live with that. A bolt of pleasure shot through me. No longer would I have to be on the webcam. This was so much better.
    “I have class,” I said around his fingers. He groaned in frustration. “I’d skip, but they’re both exams.” There was absolutely no way I could miss them, barring loss of one of my limbs or a death in the family.
    I watched his inner battle. God, this was bad timing. If he’d only waited until tomorrow, I would have been his.
    “But you could come with me and hang out with me when I’m done.” The suggestion sounded so juvenile I nearly cringed. Why not ask him to carry my books while I was at it?
    “Sorry, that was lame,” I said when he didn’t respond. “You don’t have to do that.”
    “No! No, I’d love to do that,” he said, taking both of my hands in his. “I’d like to see your world.” My world?
    “Haven’t you ever seen a college before?” I said with a little bit of a laugh.
    “Well, yes. I took a tour once.” Hold up, what?
    “You didn’t go to college?” I didn’t care either way, but I guess I just assumed that he had.
    He shook his head slowly. “My father wanted me to start working for the company right away. In case anyone asks, I have a paper diploma, paid for by him. But I never actually attended any sort of college or university.” Whoa. That was . . . I had no idea how to even start thinking about that. But what I did know was that I had to start getting ready ASAP. And then I realized I hadn’t even kissed him yet.
    I ran my hand up his arm

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