Dracul's Revenge 01: Dracul's Blood
little body, which Bobby discovered when he’d kissed the man the previous night. They shouldn’t have kissed, Bobby knew that, but he couldn’t resist. Nik had smelled so clean and fresh and Bobby had wanted to taste Nik’s lips since the moment they’d met.
    The memory of how Nik threw himself into their kiss stiffened Bobby’s cock and he carefully zipped his jeans up, not wanting to cause bodily harm. A quick glance at the clock next to his bed brought a soft curse from him.
    He was going to be late if he didn’t speed things up a little. Bobby slipped his T-shirt on and raced out into the living room, searching for his boots. Ah, there they were. He snatched them up and stuffed his feet into them. Sunglasses on his face, keys in hand, phone clipped to his belt, and wallet in his back pocket. He chose to leave his off-duty gun behind.

    Carol Lynne and T.A. Chase


    His gut told him Nik might be unnerved if he found out Bobby carried a weapon even when he wasn’t working.
    Bobby shrugged as he slammed his apartment door shut. If something bad happened, it wasn’t like he couldn’t handle the situation. Running down the stairs, he waved to his neighbours as he passed them. Out the back of the building to where he parked his beloved car.
    He paused in his head-long flight to appreciate the clean lines of the Camaro. 1969, the year the stars aligned and Chevrolet built the perfect muscle car. Bobby had lovingly restored the entire car and now it was his prized possession. He ran his hand over the roof of the car as he opened the door.
    “No one will ever take your place in my heart, darling,” he cooed as he slipped behind the wheel and let the leather seats welcome him.
    The engine roared to life and he grinned. What red-blooded, All-American male wouldn’t grin at the sound of that? He pressed the heel of his hand against his erection threatening to break through his jeans. Oh yeah, and what guy didn’t get hard at the thought of all that power?
    He buckled up, turned the radio on, and backed out of his parking spot. The metal gate clanked open after he punched in his code. One of the reasons he chose this particular apartment building was because of the fenced-in lot. There wasn’t any way he’d leave his baby out on the street where it could get scratched or dented.
    Merging into traffic, he headed towards Chelsea, praying traffic was light. He’d hate to be late on their first date. A good first impression lent itself to the possibility of more dates, and Bobby wanted to get to know Nik better.
    His phone rang and he grabbed it from the console where he’d thrown it when he got in the car.
    “Hey partner,” Jablonsky’s gruff voice roared over the phone.
    “Shit. I forgot to call you. I got some good information on that cask we found at the Thompson place.”

    Carol Lynne and T.A. Chase


    “Already?” His partner laughed. “We’ll be the lieutenant’s favourite detectives.”
    He doubted it, but didn’t comment on that. “Yeah, get this. It’s over five hundred years old and might have belonged to Dracula’s half-brother.”
    “Dracula? Like ‘I’m going to suck your blood’ Dracula?”
    “Crazy shit, huh?” Stopping at a light, he tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. “It might explain Thompson drinking his victims’ blood after he killed them.”
    “Yeah right. Did you try that theory on the lieutenant? I bet she didn’t buy it either.
    More than likely, whatever wine was in that bottle was poisoned and it fried his brain.”
    “Cask,” he muttered, accelerating through traffic.
    “All those vampire stories were made-up, man, to make Dracula, or whatever his real name was, seem scary to his enemies.” Jablonsky grunted. “Do you have any useful information?”
    “Oh, my expert says you should look at black market auctions or private sales because the cask alone is priceless, so if Christies or Sotheby’s

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