Club Scars
strong desire to speed it along with his foot.   
    Liberating a cold one from the refrigerator, he twisted off the cap and shot it into the trash can across the room. Letting the rich lager roll over his tongue, Crux headed for the stairs. Avoiding the creak of the fifth step, he made his way up to the bedroom. Wiping the beer’s condensation on the leg of his black Levi’s, he reached into the crib to stroke the downy dark hair on Cam’s head. Sporting orange and black Harley Davidson PJs and sprawled on his back, he looked so at peace. Crux hoped the kid would always sleep with such confidence. The bedsprings squeaked and Kat rolled over with a rustle of sheets.
    “Hey,” she whispered.
    Crux sat down on the edge of the bed. Stroking her hair back, he leaned down to kiss her forehead murmuring a return greeting against her skin.
    “Everything okay?”
    Nodding, he brushed a kiss across the top of her head, pausing to breathe in the warm scent of Kat and shampoo. Draining the beer, he set the bottle aside and stood. She rested her chin on top of her hands and watched him strip out of his clothes. The gleam in her eyes made him smile. He didn’t bother with sleepwear despite the chill. Slipping buck ass naked between the sheets, he pulled his woman close.
    “You’re beautiful,” he murmured against her neck.
    “You have five more weeks, buddy,” she said, her body shaking with  amusement.
    “If I wanted to fuck you right now, you have other holes available, love,” he whispered with an evil chuckle that made her shudder in his arms. His voice was just a breath when he continued, “But I just want to hold you.”
    She snuggled deeper into his arms, molding her back against him and made a small sound like a contented purr.


    A hard knock on the front door shattered their cozy dinner for two. Already frowning, Crux stood and dropped the paper towel from his lap onto the table top. Skirting through the living room, he peered between the wood slats at the window. A low growl rumbled in his chest. The door shuddered under another heavy barrage of blows. Shaking his head, he hurried back across the living room to poke his head back in the kitchen.
    Kat’s eyes opened wide.
    “I’m about to find out,” he said pulling out his wallet with a sigh and tossing it to her. “Hold onto this in case you need it.”
    She waggled her eyebrows as she ran a thumb over the bills. He pointed a warning finger at her as he left the room. It sounded like a ram at the door this time.
    “I’m coming,” he growled.
    Jerking open the door, he glared at the officer.
    “Thomas Croston?”
    “What’s the mailbox say?”
    “Mr. Croston, we have a warrant to search your home.”
    “What the fuck for?” Crux asked, taking the paper that was thrust into his chest.
    “Please put your hands on the wall and spread your legs. Is anyone else at home?”
    “My wife and son. What’re you looking for?”
    “It is fully explained in the search warrant, Mr. Croston. In short, we are conducting a search for any and all illegal drugs and or drug paraphernalia. If you would like to voluntarily disclose the whereabouts of any drugs or weapons, now would be the time.”
    “I don’t fucking take or deal drugs,” Crux snapped, as he was pushed up against the wall.
    Cam chose that moment to let out a wail. Crux tried to turn and saw Kat come out of the kitchen from the corner of his eye. Worry lined her face.
    “Mrs. Croston, I need you to stop and keep your hands where we can see them,” the officer ordered as another stepped around him and approached Kat.  
    “I just want to check on my son.”
    “Step away from the crib. NOW!”
    Cam’s screams intensified at the loud voice. Kat took another step toward him and the officer grabbed her arm, spinning her around. The momentum slammed her against the doorjamb. Crux pushed off the wall and turned on the officer with a roar. The business end of a

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