For Sure & Certain

Free For Sure & Certain by Anya Monroe

Book: For Sure & Certain by Anya Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anya Monroe
    “Oh, of course.” Marigold knew disappointment flashed over her face. She wasn’t ready for the afternoon together to end.
    “But can I walk you back?”
    “That would be good. Or, I mean right good.” Marigold baited him, and it worked.
    “So you’re teasing me, are you?”
    “Trying to, but I can’t find much fault with you, if I’m being honest.”
    “Please, be honest. But there are lots of faults, I can assure you that.”
    They walked to Marigold’s house, and she realized this was a date, like a real date, no mistaking it. Abel had paid for their second chai’s and their lemon bars. He’d asked her questions about her messed up family, and she asked about his. He inquired on her job prospects and she spoke truthfully about the dead ends she’d encountered, although she left out the other part of the truth. Most people around here had no interest in hiring her, not after last year’s stunts.
    It was all first date stuff, only better, because there wasn’t the weird awkwardness that she’d felt with guys before. She wanted to lean over and kiss him. She wanted to ask him inside. She wanted to see him again.
    “So this is me….” she said, her stomach fluttering, not in nervousness, but in anticipation.
    “At home we only can take girls out after a Singing, about once a week. That’s the only time we’re allowed to be alone with them, in the ride home in our buggy.”
    “Right, in your buggy.” She looked up at him, he was a lot taller than her, and she felt small all of a sudden as he pointed out their obvious differences. But she also felt precious. He looked at her so attentively, as if he treasured her even though they hardly knew one another.
    “But a guy doesn’t just take any girl home in his buggy. It has to be a girl he wants to court, someone he sees some sort of future with.”
    Marigold swallowed, her eyes growing wide, realizing what he was trying to say.
    “You have a girl at home? Waiting for you?”
    Abel shook his head fast, and reached for her hands. She drew in her breath as he did. They were calloused and strong and covered hers completely.
    “There is no girl, Marigold. I was trying to tell you that, but I’m not exactly sure what’s okay to do, or say. I’ve never dated an Englisher before.”
    “We’re dating?”
    “I’d like to take you out again, if you’ll have me. I know there are a lot of differences between us, ja? And maybe it’s a bad idea, knowing I’m here for just a summer before I’m supposed to go back home. But you make me feel at ease, it’s not like that with everyone. I don’t want to miss out on a good thing because of an unknown future.”
    She looked down at his hands, realizing she’d already assumed there would be another date. More of these hands on hers, and maybe his mouth on hers, too. She pushed that thought away, realizing she was in no position to kiss someone so different than her.
    As far as the future, she didn’t even know where she’d be by the end of summer. For now she’d find ways to be happy. Abel was one of them. She knew seeing him again wasn’t even a question. Of course she would.
    “For sure and certain,” she said, remembering the Amish words he’d said before.
    The simple words brought a huge grin on his face, and she matched his.
    “Where did you come from?” he asked.
    “The real question is where am I going?” Marigold didn’t know what she was doing. She was floundering, but Abel seemed steady, sure. She wanted that in her life. She needed that.
    “Tomorrow?” she asked.
    Before he could answer Lily opened the front door.
    “You have seriously got to be kidding me.” Her voice was monotone, but somehow her loathing clear.
    “Hello, Lily,” Abel said, and then turning to Marigold he explained. “We met in class today.”
    Lily stood with her arms crossed, scowling.
    “You guys are so weird, but Mom saw you from inside and told me to tell you dinner is ready. Like, now, if

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