Game of Scones

Free Game of Scones by Samantha Tonge

Book: Game of Scones by Samantha Tonge Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Tonge
– clearly confiscated – and with a group of children played a board game. Slowly my chest stopped heaving and I glanced out towards the patio, where Georgios was doing the Greek circle dance with guests.
    He jerked his head, beckoning for me to join in. I beamed and gave the thumbs up. You know what? I intended to enjoy this holiday. Blocking all thoughts of Niko, I headed outside. In the corner, just in front of an olive tree, stood two men playing different-sized, pear-shaped string instruments – next to them sat an old woman, clapping. Georgios took his left arm away from Cosmo and made a gap for me. Fortunately, with my height, I was able to drape my arms across their shoulders, unlike the other women who made do with waists. I couldn’t stop smiling as the music slowed for a moment and then got quicker and quicker, until I was almost out of breath. The footwork I’d learned during my childhood quickly came back – as did chef Georgios’ signature aroma of herbs.
    I admired the other women’s colourful skirts decorated with rich floral patterns and laced headscarves. Gasps of breath escaped my lips as the circle moved quicker from side to side. By now we just held hands, at shoulder height, feet moving backwards and forwards and then around to the right… Finally the music stopped and we all clapped.
    ‘No more… I need a drink…’ I said.
    ‘Bah, you youngsters have no sticking power,’ said Georgios and chuckled. He took out a handkerchief and wiped his perspiring bald head.
    I headed indoors, longing for an icy orange granita. However, a hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to see Niko. Before I could object, fingers curled around mine and led me outside to the front of the taverna and the street. I tugged my hand away as the humid night air enveloped my body. The moon shone brighter than a torch in a power cut. Stars peek-a-booed and a deliciously sweet scent wafted over from the white-flowered jasmine plants, either side of the taverna’s entrance. Talk about a perfect romantic setting. I should have been out here hand-in-hand with Henrik… shouldn’t I?
    ‘Just hear me out,’ he said.
    ‘Look, oughtn’t you get back inside to see Leila? Mind you… she looks perfectly happy playing with those children.’
    His face lit up. ‘Yes. Leila will be a wonderful mother.’
    I nodded, knots in my stomach at the pride that crossed his face. Did he think I’d make a good mum?
    I shook myself. ‘Sophia was saying earlier that she helped her parents work the land and looked after neighbours’ small kids – sounds like you’ll both be happy staying in Taxos, like you always imagined…’
    He shrugged, obviously still waiting for permission to talk about Henrik. I gave a big sigh.
    ‘Look, just spit it out. But you’ve only got two minutes. Then I’m going back inside.’
    Niko sat down at one of the nearby outdoor tables. I sat opposite him, my breathing back at its normal pace. The taverna’s blinds were closed. The street was empty apart from a couple of stray cats and invisible chirping cicadas.
    ‘No interrupt then. Please,’ said Niko and took a deep breath. ‘Henrik tells me he’s going to Kos Town on business tomorrow.’
    ‘Yes – to see a client for lunch and close some big deal.’
    ‘That’s what he said to me too – but looking decidedly suspicious. And despite my polite questions, would say no more.’ Niko ran a hand through his black curls. ‘So when he suddenly hurried out to the patio, to answer his phone, I innocently stood nearby.’
    ‘You eavesdropped?’
    ‘Yes. The dancing had not started then.’ He pursed his lips. ‘And it is a good thing I did. Henrik called the person on the line Stavros – so it is the mayor. They have this meeting tomorrow at one o’clock, in some English pub called The Flamingo Inn. I’ve seen it, not far from the famous Hippocrates Tree.’ Niko stared at me. ‘Henrik went on to say the word Caretta. Then mentioned ThinkBig,

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