Save Me (Rock Romance #4)

Free Save Me (Rock Romance #4) by A. L. Wood

Book: Save Me (Rock Romance #4) by A. L. Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. L. Wood
mine damn it, I say with my eyes. Clamping my lips shut so I don’t end up saying it out loud.
    “You will all be sharing rooms, all except for Ryan, Natalie, Liam, and Layla will have two beds in their room. Sorry to burst your bubble though Jason, I’m already paired up with someone.” Abagail laughs.
    “Who?” I can’t help but to ask.
    Now she gives me her attention . She focuses on me with question marks in her eyes.
    “ Zepp.”
    “No? I don’t think it matters who I will be rooming with Gage.”
    “You’re rooming with me, not him.”
    Zepp interrupts, “I don’t think it matters either, Gage, leave her alone.”
    I glance at him, anger and a hint of jealousy in my eyes.
    “She’s rooming with me, you can share a room with whoever I was supposed to. Decision made.”
    He puts his hands in the air as a sign of defeat. “Sorry Abby, I tried.”
    “Whatever. You’re rooming with Jim then, Zepp.” She says walking away, boarding the roadie bus soon after.
    “Who’s Jim?” Zepp asks me.
    “Hell if I know. But he’s your new roommate for the night.”
    “No, really, who is Jim?” He asks again, his eyes scrunched up in confusion.
    We all board our buses and head to the hotel, meanwhile I hear Zepp still asking who Jim is. Fuck if I know.
    Almost a full until meet up time, I’m sure I can find something to do to waste my free time away.
    “You know Gage, you really confuse me.”
    “How so?” I ask harshly, not recognizing my own voice. It’s this damn haze that she puts me in , when I’m around her. I can’t come out of it long enough to remember that I really shouldn’t want anything to do with her.
    “The first night that we met, that wasn’t how I usually act.”
    “What do you mean, you don’t share the bed of a stranger regularly? Or is it that you don’t usually go rifling through their clothes? Exactly what isn’t you?” I ask sitting my suitcase on my assigned bed, the one she didn’t claim.
    She stops from taking clothes out of her bag to answer my question. “I don’t usually share the bed of a man I just met, and I wasn’t going through your shit. If you had let me explain, I could have told you what I was doing. Instead you decided to be a complete dick and insinuate that I was a whore.” She says, angry all over again about the entire situation.
    “I have time now. Why don’t you exp lain why I caught one of your hands in my jeans and another holding my wallet? Enlighten me.”
    “So I told you I don’t do random hook ups. I didn’t know how to leave, should I have woke you? Say goodbye, give n you a hug? What? I’m not familiar with that etiquette. ‘Thanks for a splendid time, I’m leaving now. See ya around’ is that what I should have said after waking you? I can’t change how it played out, but what you actually caught me doing was searching for your phone. I left mine back at my friend’s apartment, I never bring my cell out with me. I was going to call for a ride. I wasn’t snooping through your shit.” She sighs out, taking her first breath.
    Well, if she’s telling the truth, this certainly changes things.
    “You could’ve woken me up and maybe asked to use my phone. It wouldn’t have been so alarming if you did. How the hell was I supposed to know? You didn’t say anything.”
    “I tried, you wouldn’t let me.”
    Fuck. She’s right.
    But, Sam.
    “Even now, you’ve had time to come up with a reasonable excuse how do I know you’re actually telling me the truth?”
    “Are you being serious right now?” She pokes me in the chest. “Call the hotel we stayed in, ask them. One of the ladies at the front desk are sure to remember me.”
    “Why? What would make them remember you?”
    “They’d remember the total stranger they attempted to console trust me. The one who ran into their hotel lobby face a complete mess, crying like an adolescent teen whose hopes were crushed. That’s why.” She says as she enters

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