The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life

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Book: The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life by Baptist de Pape Read Free Book Online
Authors: Baptist de Pape
everywhere, something happens. It is as if a filter drops away. And we notice that synchronicity is all around us, that this isn’t an accidental universe.
    The interesting thing about synchronicity is that, the more you focus on it, the more you attract it, the more often you’ll experience it. And,as you repeatedly try to see the meanings and connections at the bottom of each experience, you boost your intuitive skills.
    Coincidences are spiritual puns.
    Even if you don’t see right away the meaning of the connections behind a synchronicity, keep asking yourself about it. The answer may present itself later that same day or week or month. And the answer may be in the form of another synchronicity—perhaps a sudden insight or unexpected encounter.
    I believe that everything is connected, that there is a certain spiderweb out there. And in this spiderweb, everything in the universe is connected. The past, the future, the universe, the planets, every form of life is connected.
    Your logical mind can only show you causal connections, but at the deeper level of the soul, a large web of connections is at work. As you learn to see with your heart, beyond your personality, through your intuition, those connections still start coming into view.
    As you become multisensory, these kinds of experiences become more common. And as you create Authentic Power in your life, you begin to see that there is nothing random in your experience. There is nothing accidental in your world.
    You get the idea experientially when you find that you are in fact connected to the whole chain of being, the whole ecosystem, that you are part of one spirit, one consciousness.
    Follow your heart. Your heart knows that you are part of an infinitely large consciousness that gives you access to an infinite number of possibilities. Your mind filters reality, but your heart sees a hidden order and bigger picture.
    From the moment that you are following your heart, your life will be full of wonders.
    Synchronicities happen. Miracles happen. People show up, the exact person that you need to talk to today shows up right in front of you. Or the person that has an answer to your question calls you out of the blue. When you’re living with an open heart, miracles happen and you don’t have to create them from a sense of effort. They just happen effortlessly.
    Synchronicity is in fact an expression of a shift in your identity, a shift from your head to your heart. Miracles become a more regular occurrence in your life. On an experiential level, you become increasinglyaware of the love and wisdom of your soul. Living in synchronicity means living the life you were born to live.
    Synchronicity is a miracle. The only thing that you can do is to be open to synchronicity and pay attention.
    It’s a natural law of the universe: you align yourself with love and simply the universe begins to show the most miraculous ways for you.
    Deepak Chopra writes in his book Synchrodestiny that, according to ancient wisdom, there are two signs that transformations are taking place within you that will allow you to connect with a higher consciousness. “The first symptom is that you stop worrying. Things don’t bother you anymore. You become lighthearted and full of joy. The second symptom is that you encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more synchronicities. And this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous.”
    Often it is a very good sign when synchronistic events happen, helpful factors come into your life, because it usually means that whatever you are engaged in, whatever activity you are engaged in, is connected with a deeper dimension.
    Once you are aligned with your soul and you are aware of the hidden order behind your everyday life, you discover remarkable

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