The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life

Free The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life by Baptist de Pape

Book: The Power of the Heart: Finding Your True Purpose in Life by Baptist de Pape Read Free Book Online
Authors: Baptist de Pape
is what life wants from me, then I need a signal, a confirmation—and I need it today.I even found myself saying this out loud to the universe: “If I am supposed to do this, give me a sign!”
    Moments later, the doorbell rang. The mailman greeted me and handed me a pile of magazines. The headline on the magazine on top read, in big letters, Follow Your Heart. ( Volg je Hart in Dutch).
    At that point I knew that this was the sign I needed. I was flooded by a deep sense of gratitude—and I had no more doubts!
    There is a greater power behind absolutely everything you do. Things happen for a reason, and when it seems as if the world is working with you, not against you, that is synchronicity. Haven’t you had the feeling that something was not “just” a coincidence? Maybe you heard song lyrics on the radio that resonated throughout your day. Or you thought of a friend you hadn’t seen in a long time and at that very moment she called you with great news.
    Synchronicity is this interesting, funny-sounding word that was created by Carl Jung. And what he meant by it was those times in your life when something appears to be a coincidence but you know that there is more to it than that. There is more than just a random coincidence involved. There is meaning, there is purpose, there is power behind it.
    Synchronicities seem like small miracles, anonymous gifts from the universe. They come as a pleasant surprise, a marvelous connection that can transform your life from one moment to the next, opening an excitingpath with the possibility of growth or insight. These events are highly unlikely—and yet they happen. You’re in desperate need of advice or help from someone whom you thought you couldn’t contact, but who suddenly emails you or appears on your doorstep. You meet the love of your life by going somewhere spontaneously you had not planned to go. When improbabilities appear to multiply, one after another, and the usual laws of cause and effect are suspended, that is synchronicity.
    I believe this universe is whole. And so, synchronicity for me is this connection that you have, that you meet people, or that you read something that you need to read at that moment, or that you do something that is there waiting for you.
    For example, just running into the exact person whom you need to help you in what you are doing, to get a phone call just at the right moment. Something that coincides with what you are doing and becomes a helpful factor. And you cannot explain causally how that happened.
    Think about the coincidences that have happened to you and ask yourself how they happened. Set for yourself the intention to see into the synchronicities that surround you. Do you now see other connections that you’d missed before or didn’t want to see then?
    People sometimes are a little bit scared. They are scared of accepting that this opportunity is there waiting for him or her. They say, “Okay, no, no, this makes no sense,” or they say, “It is dangerous, because this opportunity, this synchronicity that happened now, may change my life forever.” And then you don’t obey your heart, you don’t obey synchronicity, you don’t obey what there is put in front of you, with a label: “Follow me, listen to me, I am here.” You don’t do that and then you lose all the possibilities that synchronicity is giving to you.
    Every time you have an improbable experience, acknowledge it as one with a deeper meaning. Remain on the alert and look for clues that might tell you more about that deeper meaning. Whenever you make out a message behind a synchronistic event, you confirm that you are connected to a higher consciousness and that you are far less likely to be hampered by feelings of fear and doubt when you align with your soul.
    As we begin to look for synchronicity, as we begin to notice that there is an interconnection of life that is

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