
Free Paranormalcy by Kiersten White

Book: Paranormalcy by Kiersten White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kiersten White
doing this? What if I’m sick of stupid vampires and clueless werewolves and poltergeists and trolls and the Center? What if I’m done dealing with psychotic faeries? What if I want to go to college?”
    She sat down. “Honey, where is this coming from?”
    â€œI don’t know, I’m just—You didn’t answer the question. What if I left?”
    â€œYou don’t want to leave.” She looked at me with understanding, a motherly smile on her face. It pissed me off. She wasn’t my mother.
    â€œMaybe I do. What are you going to do—slap an ankle tracker on me?” I waited for her don’t be ridiculous, Evie sigh. It didn’t come. In fact, not only did she not sigh, she looked anxious. My eyes widened in horror. “Holy crap. You would, wouldn’t you?”
    She shook her head. “Don’t be silly. You know I care about you, and I want the best for you. I—”
    I stood. Her pause had been enough to confirm it; no amount of pretending to be my surrogate family would erase this. I really couldn’t leave. Without a word I walked out, heading straight to Central Processing.
    Lish was surprised to see me again. “What is up, Evie?”
    â€œWhat’s my classification?”
    She frowned. “What do you mean?”
    â€œI mean, what’s my classification, Lish. Look it up. Now.”
    â€œThey only classify paranormals. You know that.”
    â€œWell then, I shouldn’t be in there, so it won’t matter if you try to look me up.”
    â€œI suppose not.” She shrugged and waved her hands in front of her screens. Then her eyes narrowed. “Oh.”
    â€œWhat?” My stomach felt like a brick, heavy and sharp in my abdomen.
    â€œI—you—there is a classification.” She looked up at me, concern shadowing her face.
    â€œWhat does it say?” I whispered.
    â€œEvie, it does not change anything. It does not change you.”
    â€œWhat does it say?” My voice was hard. After a few seconds, Lish looked back at the screen.
    â€œIt says you are a ‘Level Seven Paranormal, unknown origin, mortal form.’ Your status listings are ‘protected, in use,’ and ‘under observation.’”
    I shook my head in disbelief. Paranormals were categorizedaccording to several factors: level of power, how common they were, how dangerous they were, and how much was known about them. Vamps were a two. Lish was a four. Faeries— faeries —were a six. I had never met a seven.
    I felt like my mind had short-circuited. I always knew I was weird. But I figured I was a normal human who could do something paranormal. Not a paranormal who could do some things human.
    â€œEvie,” Lish said, waiting until I met her eyes. “You have always known you were different. Do not let this change the way you see yourself. IPCA is—” She paused, then moved closer to the glass. “IPCA is not always right about everything. You are not paranormal.” She smiled at me, sadness behind her wide, green eyes. “You are special. There is a difference.”
    I couldn’t cry, not yet, and being with Lish right now hurt. I knew she understood, but I wasn’t ready to face this, so I just nodded and walked slowly out. I wandered, numb, through the Center. When I was nearly back to my room, the white outline of a door showed up on the wall ahead of me. I paused, waiting to see who would come out. I might even have welcomed Reth at that point.
    It turned out to be a different faerie. She had done a few transports for me but I didn’t know her name. She walked out with a werewolf, then turned to go back through.
    â€œWait!” I called. The Faerie turned to me, her large, violet eyes disinterested. “I need a transport.”
    â€œI don’t have transport orders for you.”
    â€œJust came in; you know I have clearance.” I tried to look impatient.

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