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Book: Paranormalcy by Kiersten White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kiersten White
from my face, smiling. “I let you get away with quitting piano lessons when you were ten because that troll teacher scared you, and I’ve never forgiven myself. No slack on homework. Now, since we’re here, we might as well do a little shopping, don’t you think?”
    I sighed. Mine was nowhere near as impressive as oneof Raquel’s sighs, but maybe if I worked at it someday I wouldn’t need to talk at all. “I’m not really in the mood.”
    She looked worried. “You’re kidding, right?”
    â€œYeah. Come on.” I loved shopping but did all mine online. Raquel used to buy my clothes for me, but I put a stop to that years ago. A girl can take only so many navy blue skirts and starched white shirts. But being here, actually being able to try things on, feel them, and see the color in real life was way better than pointing and clicking. By the time we were finished Raquel and I were both loaded down with bags.
    She shook her head. “I don’t know how I’ll fill this out on my expense reports.”
    â€œJust list it as therapy bills,” I suggested. She laughed and we headed for the door. A small store caught my eye. “Oh, just a sec!” She gave a you’ve got to be kidding me sigh, but followed me into the art supply store. I picked out a nice sketchbook and some charcoal pencils. Then, for good measure, I threw in colored pencils and pastels.
    â€œTaking up a new hobby?” Raquel asked as she paid for all of it.
    â€œI figured my wall could use a break, right?” She had patiently ignored my decorating, but I knew it bothered her.
    We walked out and into a delivery alley. When she was sure no one was watching, she called for a pickup and a door appeared. I guess that was a perk to being Raquel—my pickups always took a few minutes. The same faerie who had dropped me off stepped out and took our hands. You’d think she’d be mad after I lied to her, but faeries only care about the things they care about, if that makes any sense. She didn’t so much as give me a second glance.
    When we walked back into the Center, Raquel helped me carry the stuff to my unit. We set the bags down and she put her hand on my shoulder, searching my face. “You’re okay?”
    I smiled. “Yeah, I’m fine.” She seemed satisfied and left. My smile dropped off. Things weren’t fine, and I had no idea if they ever would be again.

    T he next morning I was still feeling down. My marathon of Easton Heights last night hadn’t done anything to cheer me up. If anything, it kinda made me feel worse. I knew it wasn’t like real life, but it still reminded me of all the things I wouldn’t have: proms, catfights, best friends who actually had legs and breathed air, boyfriends. Boyfriends especially.
    I pulled Lish up on my vid screen. “Raquel available today?”
    She shook her head. “She is not in the Center. More meetings. Do you want me to call her?”
    â€œOh, no, no big deal. Just wanted to ask her something; there’s no rush.” I smiled and waved to Lish, then shut off the screen. Going through my bags of new stuff, I pulled on a zebra-print wrap dress and fitted hot pink stiletto boots. My style was a little over-the-top, but if you lived in a place where everything was white you’d want to liven it up a bit, too. The boots didn’t make me as happy as I thought they would. Still, I looked good.
    I grabbed the bag of art supplies and was about to walk out the door when I had a better idea. A few years ago Raquel had given me a pair of Rollerblades for Christmas. I wreaked such havoc zooming through the hallways and smashing into everyone and everything that she took them away. I did, however, have a rolling chair at the desk in my room. If riding that through the halls didn’t make me at least a little happier, I didn’t know what would.
    I hooked

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