Kiss of Ice (St. James Family)

Free Kiss of Ice (St. James Family) by Lavender Parker

Book: Kiss of Ice (St. James Family) by Lavender Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lavender Parker
worried that everything is going to hell over here.”
    “ I tell him not to think about work, but of course, his head is all business.” Julie said worriedly.
    “ Let us know if you need anything. Anything at all.” Annata took Julie's hand and squeezed.
    “ Thanks so much.” Julie snuck a look at Christophe. Annata looked pointedly at Christophe. Christophe cleared his throat. “I'll let you two catch up.” She turned on her heel to go.
    “ Come to dinner tonight.” Julie tugged on his shirt sleeve. Her eyes pleaded with him. Julie was always this way—desperate and clingy. They dated when they were teenagers and had been each other's first loves, if one could call it that. She was beautiful and elegant and sexy, basically everything his 18-year-old self wanted in a girl. That is, until she had too much to drink or suspected his eyes were roaming. Then she was would scream and cry and be inconsolable. He knew what she wanted. Like always, she was probably looking for a man to kiss and make everything better in her time of need. He just happened to be the most convenient warm body.
    “ Actually Annata and I were already planning on dinner tonight,” he lied smoothly. Annata tossed a look at him from over her shoulder. She lifted an eyebrow. He could see the gears shifting behind Julie's eyes.
    “ Where were you planning to dine? I have a standing reservation at L'Astrance.” Julie darted a glance at Annata. Christophe knew Annata would probably jump at the chance to eat at the famed eatery, but he could have gotten them reservations, no problem, had he thought ahead to.  He tried to come up with another excuse, but Julie was having none of it.“We simply must go!” she exclaimed.
    Christophe rapped his knuckles on Annata's door that evening, dressed in his navy suit. It was all his fault,  and he took credit for it. He should have just told Julie no. Now he was being forced to go to dinner with an ex-girlfriend and his current — his current what, exactly? Annata was definitely the woman in his life, but he doubted she would label it as such. He massaged his temples. He was too tired for this shit. He just wanted to fall in bed beside Annata, do naughty things to her, and then go to sleep with her in his arms.
    He felt a rush of fresh air to his face as Annata opened the door. She wore a black, form-fitting ankle length dress. Her hair was pulled away from her face, and red lipstick defined her lips. His eyes ran the length of her and he debated whether he should just slam the door behind them, push her up against the wall, and bury himself inside her. She turned and receded back into the room barefoot, fumbling with her earring. “I'm almost ready,” she called out as he closed the door behind him. She stood in the mirror and smoothed her hands down her thighs. He leaned against the doorjamb and admired her. Her dress clung to every curve. She was covered from neck to ankle, but she could have been naked as far as he was concerned. Her gold earrings nearly grazed her shoulders. She looked so damn regal . He took a deep breath and shook his head.
    “ Take your time. Please,” he said, a wry smile on his lips. “I'll enjoy the view.” She pursed her red lips at him and narrowed her eyes.
    “ Don't just stand there. Help me with this.” She held up a simple pearl necklace to her neck. He sidled up behind her and ran his hands from her ass to her shoulders. She shivered against him. “You jerk,” she chastised. Chuckling, he took the delicate strands of the necklace in his fingers.
    “ Do we have to go?” he whispered in her ear. He clasped the necklace and snaked his arms around her slender waist. He pulled her tight against him. She dropped her hands to his arms.
    “ You're the one who wanted to go,” she tilted her head so that he could nuzzle her neck.
    “ I disagree.” Christophe ran his nose along the soft, perfumed skin of her throat. “I said yes because I knew you would

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