Lichgates: Book One of the Grimoire Saga (an Epic Fantasy Adventure)

Free Lichgates: Book One of the Grimoire Saga (an Epic Fantasy Adventure) by S.M. Boyce

Book: Lichgates: Book One of the Grimoire Saga (an Epic Fantasy Adventure) by S.M. Boyce Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.M. Boyce
Tags: Fantasy, dark fantasy, epic fantasy
matter of seconds, created a small silver pendant that looped twice over itself. The glimmering tear-diamond shone from its center.
    “This pendant will tell me if you are in trouble,” she said. “I can’t replace your father, Kara, but this stone will help me keep you safe.”
    The muse draped the circular pendant around her own neck. Kara examined her over the brim of her nose, eyes narrowed and confused.
    “Why are you all helping me?”
    “You remind me of someone I lost.” Adele took a deep, steadying breath. “I failed him. I will not fail you.”
    Kara looked at the floor. “Thank you, but I’m sorry. I just can’t leave Dad. Not now.”
    “You should never say that you can’t do something. There are always choices, even in a situation like this: you can go home and lead Ourea’s demons to his door; you can run away from the responsibilities you took upon yourself by opening the Grimoire; or you can embrace this world and conquer the challenges the Vagabond left for you. Someday, you will see your father again. I promise.”
    “Abandon my dad or get him killed? Adele, that’s not a choice.”
    Kara ran her hands through her hair, pulling on the roots. Braeden leaned against the wall and suppressed a sigh. This would take some time, then.
    “I guess I would rather he think I disappeared than get him killed. I just—” Her voice cracked and the rest came out a whisper. “I just hope he forgives me.”
    Garrett set a hand on her shoulder. “You should focus more on what lies ahead. You’re lucky to have the Grimoire to help you. Do you know what its clover symbol means?”
    She shook her head, but wouldn’t look up.
    “The Vagabond told me once that it represents the four primary roads you can take in life: happiness, hatred, success, and failure. They are balanced choices, always intertwined with each other, and whichever of the four paths you take will lead you down another. The stone in its center is experience, a Mecca of wisdom bred from the lessons learned and mistakes made. Keep that with you and you will never be lost.
    “And prince”—Garrett turned to Braeden with a scowl—“whether or not it’s wise to do so, I trust your intentions are good. We need you to take Kara to Hillside. She will feel the most welcome there, I think, and you know the way. Will you do this?”
    “Of course.”
    Braeden wanted to tell himself he was helping her because it was the good and selfless thing to do, but that was a lie and he knew it. He hadn’t been able to find the Grimoire, true, but its keeper had found him instead. It was possible he could still use the book.
    Adele whistled, and a shadow trotted through the wall. Braeden jumped. Its blurred edges made it almost impossible to see, but when he did find the angle at which it became visible, he couldn’t help but grin.
    It was a flaer: the only creature in Ourea that could walk through walls. Its narrow face and sleek body made it look like an oversized dog, except that it was as tall as a horse. Its long fur coat glistened, and its tail rocked from side to side like a pendulum.
    Adele introduced the flaer as Rowthe and explained what it could do, but Braeden’s mind was busy phrasing how he would ask Kara for help. She seemed to be naïve, so a straightforward approach might work. The longer he waited, though, the more she would learn and the more careful he would have to be with his request. Then again, if he—
    “It’s Ourea,” Kara muttered. Her voice pulled him from his thoughts and back into the cold little cave with the long scratch on its wall. “There are dragons and monsters. Of course this thing can take us through walls.” Her voice was so low that neither muse acknowledged she’d said anything at all.
    Braeden grinned. At least this new vagabond was fun.
    “If you ever need Rowthe, simply whistle for him. He will come to you,” Adele said.
    The flaer crept up to Kara and lowered its nose into her hand. She was calm,

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