Hard To Bear

Free Hard To Bear by Georgette St. Clair

Book: Hard To Bear by Georgette St. Clair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgette St. Clair
frowned, looking oddly perturbed.
    “I don’t see the connection between those people,” he said.  “An older man, a much younger woman, two of whom were in different countries when they allegedly disappeared.  And a man in his twenties.   From what you’re saying, the man was in an unhappy marriage, and the reporter left behind a note explaining why he took off.”
    “A typed note. Anyone could have typed that.  And I swear, when I talked to the Deputy Chief, he knew something, and he wasn’t telling me.”
    “Well, there’s two possibilities there,” Flint said.  “One possibility is that you’re wrong, and they don’t know anything. Another possibility is that there is something connecting these disappearances, and the police are investigating, which they’re obviously not going to share with a reporter, and you could be potentially endangering the investigation if you poke around too much.”
    “Why wouldn’t they at least tell the families that they’re investigating? Adrian’s mother and Molly’s parents are freaking out.  And David Bollinger’s teenage kids are too.”
    “Maybe they don’t want whoever took the people to be spooked,” Flint shrugged, frowning, and tore off a piece of bread.
    Coral suddenly had the feeling that Flint knew more than he was saying. 
    Why is he really here? She wondered again.  The fact that sh e didn’t completely believe he was telling her the truth about his reasons for being in Blue Moon Junction was all the more reason not to get involved with him.
    “Are you doing something to the plant?” Flint asked, staring at the small pot of begonias that was on their table. Its leaves had been edged with brown when they sat down at the table.  Now they were glossy and green.
    “Oh, that.  Yeah, my mother is actually not a werewolf, she’s a witch.  All of my sisters got really cool powers, but I’m kind of a magical washout.  When I’m around plants, they tend to perk up and grow a little faster.  That’s all I got.” She frowned at the begonia, concentrating hard, and new little bud popped up.
    “My mother would love you.  She’s always got a million pots of herbs in our kitchen.  You’ll have to come by some time.”
    For some reason, the mention of his mother, and the invite to his family home, sent a sharp twang of longing through her.  If only all of this were real, and not a purchased date with a bear who might change his mind at any moment and go back to dodging her phone calls.
    An odd, prickly feeling swept over her, and she glanced around the room, and her stomach twisted in a knot when she saw that Melinda had just walked in the do or, arm and arm with Frederick.
    Even from a quick glance, Melinda’s rigid, angry posture gave her away.  She had no interest in Frederick; she was here because of Flint, Coral was sure of it.
    Frederick, on the other hand, looked dazzled.  Coral wasn’t surprised.  She had a feeling that all of Frederick’s leering and sexual innuendo was just a show, to hide the fact that he was basically an insecure geek underneath it all.  She wouldn’t be surprised if he was a virgin.   In fact, she’d be surprised if he wasn’t a virgin.
    Flint followed Coral’s gaze, and scowled.
    “I t’s okay.  I was just thinking it was time to call it a night,” Coral said.  She scowled at Frederick, who didn’t even seem to notice that Coral was there.  His attention was riveted, worshipfully, on Melinda.  Melinda must have sunk her claws into him when he was taking pictures at the bachelor auction.
    Coral wasn’t sure who she was more angry at.  Bettina was going to be crushed, and Melinda was clearly just using Frederick to get back at Flint.
    Flint sighed and shook his head.   “I’m sorry,” he told her.  “I made the mistake of telling her where I was going, in case there was some kind of work related emergency.  I didn’t think she’ d show up here like this.”
    Melinda and Frederick sat

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