Extreme Close-Up (Perspectives Book 1)

Free Extreme Close-Up (Perspectives Book 1) by Julie Jaret

Book: Extreme Close-Up (Perspectives Book 1) by Julie Jaret Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Jaret
Tags: tuebl
pink from scrubbing. The hot shower had dehydrated her, so she wrapped herself in a thick towel, combed her wet hair down her back, and walked out in a cloud of steam.
    The kitchen windows were black with night as she drank a glass of cold water. Hours later, she would wonder why she wasn’t startled when the motion-sensing back porch light came on. She intended to ignore Braden’s light knock, but he saw her through the sidelight window. His mouth was tight, his face was serious with intent, and his hair looked to have been repeatedly tousled by frustrated hands.
    “Open the door, Lisa.”
    She shook her head. “No. It’s late and I’m not dressed.”
    “Open the door.”
    “Whatever it is can wait ‘til tomorrow.”
    “No, it can’t.” He held her eyes as he bent to retrieve the key from under the flower pot.
    She backed away from the door. “Fine. Okay. Put the key back, I’ll be right out...”
    But he had already let himself in.
    She took another step back. “Listen, I’m sorry I let it go so far. It was wrong.”
    He pushed the door closed and stalked toward her.
    “It was all wrong,” she continued and backed up a few more steps. “I should’ve said no before. I’m saying it now.”
    He kept moving closer, eyes dark with intent. “I’m not asking now.”
    Lisa’s mouth went dry. Acutely aware of how close to naked she was, she held her towel in place with both hands and backed away until her ass hit the cabinet. She felt her heart pounding between her legs.
    “Seriously, Braden. Get out or I’ll call the police.”
    He pressed his phone into her hand. “You’ll need this, then.”
    In the span of a heartbeat, he effortlessly lifted her onto the counter, pushed her knees apart and covered her pussy with his hot, beautiful mouth. The phone slid out of her hand and skittered down the counter, out of reach. She intended to push him away, but somehow her fingers tangled in his thick, sandy hair, pulling him closer instead. His hum of approval vibrated against her.
    Her face heated with embarrassment when he sat back on his heels and took in the view. The rest of her heated with something else when he brushed the pad of his thumb across her swollen pink wetness. She tried to close her legs, but his big hands opened her wider. He leaned in and gave her a long, flat-tongued lick, then teased her with tiny feathery kisses, everywhere but where she needed him most.
    “Please what?” He kissed her inner thigh. “Should I stop?”
    “Yes, but please don’t,” she begged.
    “It was rhetorical.” He bit the inside of her other thigh. “I’ve wanted you like this for too long to stop now,” he murmured at her center, warm breath taunting her sensitive skin. He swirled his tongue in her entrance, lapping at her wetness. Then he licked her smooth outer labia, one side then the other, holding her still so she couldn’t push herself into his mouth. Her cunt was so swollen, it felt inside-out.
    Finally, his plush lips found her clit, nibbling lightly, coaxing it to a level of arousal she had never felt before. She thought she might happily die when he pressed it between his lips and gave her a soft sweep of his tongue. He surprised her with a gentle scrape of teeth, then sucked her hard little organ into his mouth and lashed it with his tongue until she shattered in technicolor shards.
    “So damn sweet. I knew you would be.” He licked his lips and kissed her. She hesitated a moment; her scent was on his face, her taste on his tongue. And for the first time ever, she was good with that.
    “More.” She deepened the kiss and let her hands roam over his soft t-shirt, exploring the hard muscle underneath. Her nails skimmed the tight points of his nipples, eliciting a groan from him. He scooped her off the counter and she wrapped her legs around his waist, grinding her wet heat into him when she felt his erection.
    Somehow Lisa’s towel was still in place when he set her on her feet in

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