Always Yours

Free Always Yours by Kari March

Book: Always Yours by Kari March Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kari March
nodded in agreement. Holding out my hand I helped her up into the seat.
    Once I was behind the wheel it was her turn to be in control. We pulled up to a stop light and I looked over at her. "Which way?" I asked and she looked back at me. "We came from the left, so should we go right again, or straight?"
    "Straight," she said with a smile.
    "Sounds good to me, firecracker, let's go get lost."

    One dead-end, four right turns, three left turns, and two hours later we were lost and in the middle of nowhere. Surrounded by dirt roads, open fields, and rolling hills, I knew we were somewhere out east but where exactly, I had no clue, and really, I didn't give a shit. All that mattered to me tonight was the incredibly sexy woman sitting beside me.
    Since the moment we started driving there hadn't been one second of silence between the two of us. We talked about everything—her jobs, her friends, her family—she even told me about her father and how he walked out on her and her mother when she was just eight years old. That was the only part of the night that upset me. Hearing the pain in her voice was almost unbearable and I was actually grateful I was driving so I didn't have to see the distress on her face.
    While she was entrusting me with all the details of her life, I couldn't help up think how horrible it was that I was getting off just by listening to her, but I was. Every time she laughed it was music to my ears that rhythmically traveled through my body straight to my dick. I was squirming around in my seat from having to readjust my jeans every five minutes, and I'm sure she thought I was a fucking nut job with a twitch.
    As we rolled over the top of another hill, the sun was sitting just above the horizon, waiting to set, and she fell silent for the first time all evening. Peering over at her I could tell she was in awe of the bright orange and blue sunset that was in front of us. I knew she had probably witnessed plenty of Colorado sunsets, seeing as how she lived here her whole life, but something about this one seemed different, even to me.
    Noticing an old 4x4 trail that led uphill even further, I slowed down and turned onto it. The truck bounced vigorously as we drove up the rough path. Cara squealed out in amusement from the rough ride and out of the corner of my eye I couldn't help but observe her tits jumping around robustly. They were calling to me, asking me to grab them, but I managed to somehow keep both hands on the wheel. My balls on the other hand were not happy with me—the low cut tank top she had on was revealing and the boys were turning blue from all the torture.
    When we reached the top of the dirt trail I parked the truck, facing west, so we could watch the sun dip below the horizon. The view from the top of this hill was spectacular and from the look on Cara's face I could tell she approved. Off in the distance you could see an old farm house and a large barn that was surrounded by white fences. Cattle and horses were grazing in the field below. Beyond that you couldn't see anything for miles. No cities, towns, or civilization anywhere. It was peaceful and surreal—exactly what I looked for when I took these drives. We sat in the truck, watching the sky turn dark, neither of us making a sound until the sun was out of sight.
    "I haven't done that in so long," she said to me so softly, it was almost a whisper.
    "Done what?"
    She looked over at me. "Watched a sunset. It was beautiful."
    No you're beautiful.
    Smiling at her, I reached for the radio and for the first time since we had gotten in the truck I turned it on. "Teenage Dream" by Katy Perry came drifting through the speakers and I cringed. Quickly, I changed the station. I couldn't stand listening to that song. It was mine and Amber's song and every time I heard it, it brought back all the fucking memories I'd been trying to forget.
    "Hey, that's a good song! What do you have against Katy Perry?" she scolded me.
    "Nothing against her, she's

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