Hunting Lust (Orion the Hunter Part Three)

Free Hunting Lust (Orion the Hunter Part Three) by J.D. Chase

Book: Hunting Lust (Orion the Hunter Part Three) by J.D. Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.D. Chase
he said simply.  He looked into my eyes … I mean, right into them, like he was searching my soul.  I couldn’t look away from the intensity of them and the range of emotion that I saw there.  I saw sincerity, insecurity, longing, adoration and hope.  Then his eyes refocused on my face and he said, “You are.”
    A strange sensation unfurled in my chest.  Not desire, well not sexual desire anyway.  It just seemed … right.  I smiled and whispered, “I know.”
    He pulled me closer and held me.  No words, no movement … nothing.  I could feel him breathing into my hair and it was nice … comforting.
    Then he broke the silence by saying, “Thank you for not kicking me out.  I wouldn’t have blamed you if you had.”
    “The thought crossed my mind.”
    He stiffened slightly.  “Well, why didn’t you?”
    I hesitated.  Why hadn’t I exactly? “I wanted to know why you were behaving like that but I think I worked it out.”
    He pulled back and studied my face.  “And what exactly do you think you’ve worked out?”
    I looked down and concentrated on the stubble that was just visible on his jawline.  “I don’t know exactly why, but you lose it when I’m with another guy.”  There was no response so I continued.  “You almost lost it when you saw someone’s hand on my ass – although I was handling it fine by myself and, I hasten to add, I was not reciprocating his advances in any way.  Tonight, I can only assume that once you realized that it was me that Scott was carrying in here, you got all pissed about that and stormed in here, demanding to know what I was doing with him.  Tell me if I’ve gotten anything wrong.”
    I could see the tension in his jaw as he considered his response.  “That guy was a total letch.  I saw his hand on your ass and I just saw red.  He had no right doing that.”
    “And you have no right to react in that way.  I’m not your personal property, Lucas.  We’re not even in a committed relationship.  You mightn’t like it but if I’d decided to fuck his brains out in the elevator, it would be none of your business.”
    There was major jaw clenching now and a vein in his neck was standing out.  “Oh yes it fucking well would be.  I’m fucking you … and I don’t share.”
    That vein is pulsating now!  “No, Lucas.  We didn’t agree to exclusivity.  But as it happens, I don’t want to fuck anyone else at the moment and if I did, I wouldn’t fuck him if he was the last man on earth.  Got it?”
    Oh my god!  That vein is going to pop!   “Whatever.  So what were you doing with Scott?  Why were you wrapped in a duvet, wearing only your underwear?  And why was he in here with you?”
    I chewed my lip.  Did I tell him the embarrassing truth? I decided I’d better … so I did.  When I’d finished, he picked up my pajamas off the bed and began to laugh. 
    I didn’t think it was remotely funny.  “Can you see how stupid you were?  What did you say to everyone out there before you barged in here?” 
    “Nothing.  I saw him carry someone wrapped in a quilt into your room and Angel laughed and said you’d be with us once you’d gotten dressed.  And the thought of you, undressed … with him … you were wrapped in a quilt for fuck’s sake!”
    “Well, yes … I can see how that might’ve looked.  But again … you’re not my keeper, Lucas Hunter.  If I wanted to roll around in my duvet, wearing just my underwear and being carried by hunky guys, it is my choice.  Not yours.  Is that clear?”
    His face had clouded over again.  “Hunky guys?  You think Scott is a hunk?”
    Oh, for god’s sake!   “What if I do?  What if I think that all the guys are hunks?  If I’d wanted to fuck any of them, I would have done it by now.  Capisce?”
    He frowned.  “So you haven’t fucked any of them?”
    I sighed.  “No, Lucas.  I’ve not

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