Imposter in Zebra-striped Briefs

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Book: Imposter in Zebra-striped Briefs by C.C. Dado Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.C. Dado
stirring the pasta.
    “Of course, honey.” She rolled her eyes at Nathan and David, making them both laugh and making Brandon scowl at her.
    “ Momma! Come on. You know butter is bad for you.”
    “Oh, says who? The folks selling you their fancy oil?”
    “No, Momma. The American Heart Association.”
    “Is he giving you a hard time, Dotty?” Josh asked, walking in and putting his arms around Brandon from behind.
    Nathan felt a moment of envy, seeing the look of happiness on Dotty’s face as Josh kissed Brandon on his cheek.
    “Y’all are just the cutest couple. I’m so glad my boy met you, Joshua. And don’t you worry. He just frets over his momma.”
    Nathan was glad to see Josh was getting along better with his mother-in-law.
    “All right, dinner is ready.” Brandon handed a large bowl of pasta to Josh to set on the table. “Let’s eat before it gets cold.”
    Nathan and David moved to the table with the other guests. The food looked so good. It was a Southern feast for sure. A large serving plate filled with the best-looking fried chicken Nathan had ever seen sat in the middle of the table, surrounded by different salads, pastas, corn on the cob, and bread.
    Nathan’s stomach suddenly growled. Thankfully no one noticed because Brandon clinked his glass with his fork.
    “I would like to make a toast.” Brandon sounded like he was getting a little choked up. “I never really thought I would actually be here with my family and friends, about to get married to the most amazing person I have ever met. I hoped, but never in a million years did I think I would find someone I love as much as this man.” He grabbed Josh’s hand. “Thank you all so much for being a part of this with us. I wish each and every one of you the happiness I have found.” The sound of glasses clinking echoed through the room, along with the approvals of everyone around the table. “Hear, hear.”
    Nathan warmed, feeling David’s hand touch his leg under the table. It wasn’t in a sexual way. It was more of a curious touch, like he was unsure what Nathan’s reaction would be. It had his insides purring once again.
    As everyone ate they discussed Saturday’s wedding plans. When dinner started winding down, Brandon served an amazing apple crumble with vanilla ice cream. And everyone sat around talking.
    “I’m glad my boys have friends like all of you around if I can’t be,” Dotty said, sniffling into her napkin.
    “Ah, Momma.” Brandon got up and gave his mom a hug from behind her chair and kissed her on the cheek. “My wedding is going to mean so much more to me, having you here.”
    “Thank you, shugah. Your daddy would be so proud of you.” Sympathetic looks showed around the table at the emotion that haunted Brandon’s face. “Now we should let you two get some sleep. You have a big weekend ahead of you,” his mom said, getting up from the table and starting to grab plates.
    “Yeah, thank you for dinner,” David said, pushing his chair back and helping clear the table.
    When everything was cleared and washed so there was no mess left for the happy couple, David grabbed Nathan’s hand.
    “I really have to get going.”
    “I’ll walk you out.”
    “How about I walk you to your door?” David asked.
    Nathan couldn’t even respond. His mind was frantically working, wondering if he should ask David in.
    “Thanks for sticking around and helping clean, guys,” Josh said as he walked them to the door.
    “See you tomorrow,” Nathan said as Josh closed the door behind them.
    They made the five steps across the hall in seconds. Nathan turned around at the door, facing David.
    “Do you really have to go?” he asked, sounding marginally desperate and insecure.
    “I guess I could come in for a minute, maybe tuck you in,” David said, leaning in and softly kissing Nathan’s lips.
    It took an hour until David felt Nathan was sufficiently tucked in.

Chapter 14
    In the closet

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