Killing Cousins
deceased intended. And now, we have other work to do. After you, Vince.'
    Faro shared his two companions' relief at being in the open air again. It seemed that they all breathed very deeply as they approached the Odin Stone.
    It was beginning to rain quite heavily and as he and Vince carefully examined Troller's body they were acutely aware of the minister hovering anxiously in the background. Obviously feeling that his watchful presence ensured that the proprieties were observed with proper reverence, he said, 'When you are finished we will need to move the young man to his home. As soon as possible. His brother will be shocked, quite shocked, poor man.'
    Faro looked up sharply. 'Does he not know already? Has no one told him?'
    Erlandson shook his head. 'Not unless they could wake him. Regrettably he drinks himself into insensibility rather regularly and can be quite, er, aggressive to anyone who approaches him in that condition. Although I'm informed on the best authority that sober he is gentle as a lamb, I tremble to think how he will react to this dreadful news,' he added with a shudder.
    Faro straightened up briefly. 'Since you wish to remain while Dr Laurie examines the body, perhaps you would oblige us with an account of the events leading to the discovery of the two bodies.'
    'I have already given Sergeant Frith a full statement,' said Erlandson stiffly.
    'Then perhaps you would be so good as to give me another, since I have been left in charge of the case,' Faro said with a winning smile.

Chapter Six
    'My bedroom window overlooks the kirkyard.' Erlandson nodded in the direction of the manse. 'I had an upset stomach ...'
    Vince raised his head quickly and looked across at his stepfather who shook his head. He didn't want a comparing of notes with the minister.
    'Miss Balfray, my fiancée, had seen me safely home but, as I felt quite unwell, I slept badly and awoke with a desperate thirst I got up to get a glass of water.' He thought for a moment. 'That would be about two hours ago. It was still dark and I didn't take any heed of the time, but I imagine it would be about five o'clock. The seals were particularly noisy and when I drew the curtains and looked out of the window, I noticed a light down here, flickering beside the vault. I decided to take a look.'
    'One moment,' Faro interrupted. 'Was the vault unguarded?'
    'So I discovered.'
    'Was that not unusual after an interment?'
    'We are not as a rule troubled by grave-robbers, and a week-old corpse would be of little use to them. I have little experience of Balfray funerals, or of family vaults,' he added wearily, 'but I understand that the head of the bereaved family normally makes such arrangements as are deemed necessary until the vault is resealed.'
    'I see. Continue, if you please.'
    Erlandson sighed. 'You know the rest. I was deeply shocked by what I found. I had a quick look at the lad but couldn't rouse him. I'm afraid I put the worst possible interpretation on this. I presumed that he had imbibed too freely. At first A closer look of course convinced me that he was ... was—' he shook his head '—quite dead. I didn't know what to do in the circumstances. You must understand I received a terrible shock. Nothing like this has ever happened to me in any of my parishes before. I decided to go for help and as Captain Gibb is nearest to the rectory I aroused him, telling him what had happened. He told me he had seen Sergeant Frith among the mourners and that I should find him. Also, that Dr Balfray must be informed. I ran to the castle, closely followed by Captain Gibb. I am younger than he, and in considerably better condition.'
    'You left the Odin Stone unattended. For how long?'
    'Half an hour... more or less. When I got back Sergeant Frith was examining the body.' Erlandson made an impatient gesture. 'What difference does it make?' he demanded irritably. 'My dear sir, from what I had left here it seemed very unlikely that either of them would get up

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