Free TYCE 5 by Shareef Jaudon

Book: TYCE 5 by Shareef Jaudon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shareef Jaudon
his voice.
    “Oh , I’m good now.”
    “That’s wasup, how’s Dallas?”
    “She’s good, real good.”
    “So wasup?” He asked suddenly.
    I cut the fat and got right to the meat. “I’m callin’ to let you know if you don’t already…that I cancelled that plane ticket to Rome.”
    Khalil paused. “Oh yeah, I heard that. I can’t say I blame you. I heard Rome is all fucked up now.”
    “Yeah, it’s pretty dead there. It ain’t live like it used to be, so you ain’t missin’ nothin’. Holla at me when you get back in town, so we can catch up in person.”
    “ I’ma do that. Tell my cuz I said wasup.”
    “I will.”
    “A’ight.” He hung up.
    The coded conversation lasted all of two minutes. I planned to really fill him in when I saw him in person. Lately he’d been a busy man, but I would run into him sooner or later. If need be, I would show up at the next family reunion and feel him out while he stood next to a hot ass grill. That nigga better not be salty about me squashing Roman’s head like a watermelon because after all, if it wasn’t for me, he would have still been a mid-level dope dealer riding around in a three year old Benz with pockets that were as skinny as Tommy Davidson.

    Khalil’s sixteen hundred dollar Salvatore Ferragamo crocodile loafers pressed into the mineral rich soil on a farm in between San Diego and Los Angeles. The location was remote. Not only was the isolated property used to grow sweet corn, it also served as the normal meeting spot when he wanted to conduct secretive business.
    The individual he was scheduled to meet was already sipping a bottle of water under t he hot noon sun. Khalil leaned against the hood of his four door Porsche and folded his arms across his peach linen shirt. As the other half of the duo approached the car, Khalil took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his forehead.
    “You’re late.”
    Khalil’s face remained expressionless. “I took the long way here to make sure nobody followed me. Anyway, I’m here…so wasup? We usually meet once a month so why the sudden change in the schedule?”
    “You know damn well why I’m out here walking through tall corn and it’s not because I need the cardio. What I need is for you to finish the job.”
    Khalil cocked his head to the side. “I kinda figured it was about that. I’ll put some people on it right away.”
    “ Naw, that’s not good enough. You tried that shit before! Roman was supposed to kill that bastard, and look how that turned out! You tried to outsource a murder instead of getting your own hands dirty and you failed! It’s you, or it’s you this time!”
    Khalil sat on top of his own hood. He didn’t run the risk of dirtying up his tan linen slacks because the luxury car was as clean as brand new carpet.
    “I’ll take care of it.” Khalil swatted a bee that buzzed around his head.
    “Let me know when he’s dead!”

~White And Brown
    “Sabrina, how are you and Tyce related? Are you two like play brother and sister or what?
    Peck sipped the delicious margarita she’d just served him as he waited to be f illed in on their family lineage.
    Sabrina sat down at her sea side table. “ Me and Tyce have the same father. His name is Diego Alverez.”
    “The notorious drug dealer?!” Peck leaned into the glass table.
    “Yep, the one and only, but he’s in prison now. It’s a complicated situation, but I’ll tell you about it one day.”
    Sabrina looked over at the blue water of the ocean. A mischievous look adorned her pretty face.
    “You ever skinny dipped?” She changed the subject.
    “ Ummm naw, I haven’t.” Peck shook his head cautiously.
    “Well, there’s a first time fo r everything.” Sabrina stood up, unbuttoned her jean shorts and slid them off revealing her smooth hairless lower half.
    Next, she unsnapped her bikini top and her perky breasts made Peck ’s mouth water. She kicked off her flip flops and before Peck could

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