guess her wanting to be a researcher for a historical society or a museum wasn’t such a bad thing after all. When she’d first told me what she wanted to do, I was afraid she’d be bored, but she simply said, ‘If I get bored, I’ll go work for a politician. Their lives are never boring.”
    It wasn’t long before the waitress brought our food out and the conversation turned from school and life to the delicious meals sitting in front of us. The night went on like that, with us eventually moving to the bar, and after the stress of the last few months, it was nice to just hang out with friends.

    The next few days went by in a flurry of activity, just like they always did leading up to a holiday. It felt like all we did was wrap presents and make cookies. Apparently, the one thing Emily loved to do this time of the year was bake. It was a damn good thing I spent enough time in the gym.
    Emily still had me running errands the day before Christmas Eve. From store to store I went, picking up little things here and there for the next day. When I finally pulled into the parking lot I was exhausted, annoyed by all of the crowds everywhere I went. Trudging to the door with my hands full, all I could think about was relaxing on the couch with a beer.
    The apartment was quiet when I opened the door, which was odd because Emily should have been there.
    “Em? Em? Where are you?”
    The lights in the kitchen were on but she wasn’t in there.
    I dropped the bags on the floor next to the couch, figuring I was safe. She’d have somewhere to put it all anyway.
    “I’m down in the bedroom.”
    Her voice sounded strange, but she was probably getting changed. Slowly, I walked down the hall, ready to collapse on the bed. However, the sight that greeted me when I walked through the bedroom doors had me instantly awake and hard as a rock.
    Emily was lying completely naked on the bed, a bowl of cookie dough and a spoon next to her. Thoughts of all the things I could do to her raced through my head.
    “What’s this all about?” I asked, gesturing toward the bowl on the bed.
    She smiled that sexy little smirk that drove me absolutely crazy. “You keep saying how you love the taste of cookie dough and me, so I figured I’d give you the combination of the two.”
    In a flash, I stripped off all of my clothes and joined her on the bed, reaching for the spoon.
    “Chocolate chip?”
    “Your favorite.”
    She was right. Chocolate chip cookie dough was my absolute favorite. Combined with the taste of Emily . . .
    This was going to be one exciting afternoon.
    Dipping my finger into the bowl, I placed it at her lips, letting her suck off the yummy sweetness. That small action had heat rushing through my body, but I needed so much more.
    Using the spoon, I spread a generous amount onto each of her breasts, making sure to swirl the spoon lightly on the tips of her nipples. She was as turned on as I was—I could tell by all of the squirming she did every time I touched her body.
    Happy with the results of my handiwork, I found the need to taste her overwhelming. Lowering my head, I licked up the side of her breast, tasting heaven.
    Emily was already hard to resist at the best of times, but the thought of sampling the cookie dough off every part of her body was way too appealing. By the time I was through, we were both panting and in need of a release. Sliding into her body, I could feel her insides clenching me tight, letting me know I was exactly where she wanted me to be. Thrust after thrust, I joined my body with hers, bringing us to unparalleled heights of pleasure. Our bodies pushed as far as they could go, we collapsed to the bed, struggling to catch our breath.
    “I knew it would be worth it to make the extra batch. The other plus is that we already burned off all of the calories.”
    “Except now I’m too tired to do anything but lie here,” I said, dropping down beside her.
    Closing her eyes she said, “There’s not that

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