Love's Protector: A Maverick's Shield Novel

Free Love's Protector: A Maverick's Shield Novel by Charisma Chloe

Book: Love's Protector: A Maverick's Shield Novel by Charisma Chloe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charisma Chloe
eyes locked on her cell phone in her hand. Her heart was pounding so hard and fast she could hear it and she instantly got a headache. She blinked several times as she rubbed her temples.
    “Amour?” Jason said as he scooted closer to her placing his hand on her back. “Are you ok? Who was that? Was it your father?”
    Her pounding heart made it difficult to hear him fully. “N…No it wasn’t.” She swallowed hard and started to tremble.
    “Who was it then?” She remained silent. He lifted her head up to his and looked into her now frightened eyes. “Tell me!”
    “I’ve just been threatened.”
    “What do you mean threatened? Who was that?”
    “I don’t know; it was a strange man. He said that if I don’t end my investigation I’ll be sorry. Then he said that I was warned.”
    “What the hell?” Mack said as he stood up from the table.
    “How the hell would anybody know about this? Did you give your number out to anyone Amour?” Jason asked as he rose to his feet as well.
    “No I didn’t”
    “Well how the hell did this person get it?”
    “Mack faced the three of them and said, “I know but she’s only been here for two days and besides us, the only people that know she’s inquiring about this case are the cops that handled it.” He walked across the room. “This is some weird shit! Why would anybody even want her number?”
    “Chandra, are you sure this person you talked to earlier can be trusted?” Jason asked.
    “Yes, he has nothing to gain from telling anyone about this. He’s retired from the force now and asking about an old case, especially one that wasn’t considered criminal is not unusual nor is it illegal.” 
    Amour rose from the couch but her knees were so shaky she could barely stand. “I’m scared Jason. I want to go now; please take me home.” He glided his hand gently across her back causing a slight sense of comfort to break through the massive trembling she felt.
    “Alright we’ll go now.”
    Chandra grabbed her purse and walked up to Amour. “I’ll question the ex-officer I talked to and see if he told anyone. I’m certain he didn’t but I’ll ask him anyway to be sure.”
    Amour was so daunted she couldn’t speak. Her headache was getting worse as fear and confusion simultaneously occupied her mind and body. How could this be happening? She’s only been here two days! She knew this wouldn’t be easy, but she didn’t expect to be threatened. This was serious now and she had a serious decision to make as to whether or not she wanted to pursue this. That call scared the hell out of her. She could tell Jason sensed that her mind was in disarray when she looked up at him and he spoke for her.  
    “Thanks Chandra,” he said as he continued to soothe her back with his large hand. “Call me when you talk to him.”
    “Alright I will.”
    Chandra and Mack exited the apartment as Amour stood there remaining silent. She wasn’t sure what to think or say at this point and was still in shock. She’d never been threatened before, especially like this.
    “I don’t think you should be alone tonight,” Jason said from behind her.
    “Because if whoever that was managed to get your cell phone number, they can find out where you’re staying.”
    “Are you sure?”
    “Yes, I deal with people like this for a living. They’re relentless and probably won’t stop there. Even if you stop searching for what you’re looking for it won’t matter.”
    “Why not?”
    “Because they know you’re here and you’ve been asking questions. If they’re threatening you like this and so soon, it’s probably because your father’s suspicions are correct and they don’t want you to find out whatever it is they’ve managed to keep hidden for all these years and if that’s the case, you’re playing with fire Amour. It could be nothing but if they’re serious and they haven’t already tracked you down, they will.”
    “So what should we do?”

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