Someone Like You

Free Someone Like You by Joanne McClean

Book: Someone Like You by Joanne McClean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanne McClean
me firmly.
    “I will Dad.” I promise as I let myself into the building. “Look, I gotta go. Talk to you later.”
    “Okay son … but Priestly, remember what I said. No screwing around.” my father reminds me.
    “I won’t. I’m going to study right now.” I lie.
    “Good … I’m proud of you.”
    “Thanks. See you later.” I tell him and then hang up.
    Okay, it’s time to face The Nerd Girl.
    I push open the front door and hear music coming from Temperance’s bedroom.
    Good , she’s still here.
    I sigh heavily as I make my way to her room and find her door wide open.
    I smirk to myself and prepare myself for some smart quip when I find myself speechless.
    She’s standing at her wardrobe wearing just a bra and jeans.
    Ah, so that’s what’s she’s been hiding under those baggy shirts.
    It’s then that she notices me and screams.
    Yeah, I guess I deserve that …

Chapter Ten
    When the hell did he get here?
    “What the hell are you doing?” I yell at Priestly, quickly covering my chest with one of my shirts from the closet.
    He smirks as his gaze lingers on my chest area. “Nothing. Don’t let me interrupt.”
    I scowl at him. “Stop being a perv!”
    He throws his head back and laughs. “Well, you were the one who left the door wide open.”
    “Because you left!” I shoot back at him, making sure that everything from my neck down is covered.
    “ Hey, still, you didn’t know when I’d be back. Maybe you’re secretly into me and you wanted me to catch you. Why else would you be walking about half-naked?” He asks, throwing me a smirk.
    I roll my eyes. “ Why yes Priestly, that was exactly my plan!” I quip sarcastically. “The fact that I’m half naked has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that my lipgloss leaked all over my top and I ran to the bathroom to wash it before it stained. No, it’s all a clever ruse to snare you – Mr Man Whore – so that we can live happily ever after. Yeah, dream on!”
    Priestly grins, his pale grey eyes holding my gaze. “Jesus Nerd Girl, why didn’t you say so? If you want me so badly, just say the word and I’ll be happy to comply.”
    He then winks and smiles seductively, leaning casually against the doorframe.
    I raise an eyebrow. “Forgive me for not jumping at that … tempting offer but I have standards.”
    “Yeah, how’s that working for you so far?” Priestly asks with a wicked grin. “Oh yeah, guy tried to make a move on you and you freaked out. I’m surprised you can even get a date after that. Hell, I wouldn’t date you.”
    “Yeah, well, you forget that I’ve seen so me of your dates … and I’m sorry to break it to you but the fact that you wouldn’t date me is a relief. Besides, judging by the amount of first dates you’ve had – ones that lead to more than kissing I might add – did it ever cross your mind why they never call you for round two? Maybe you’re not quite the Casanova you think you are. But hey, I’m only a Nerd Girl who’s never been kissed, what do I know?”
    Priestly stares at me, obviously taken aback by my scathing reply.
    Heck, I’m even surprised at myself. Although, maybe wounding his ego was a bit too much.
    Priestly is silent for a moment and then approaches me, looking severely pissed.
    “Fuck you Nerd Girl! Despite all the shit between us, I was trying to be nice, warning you about ‘perfect’ Nixon but you know what, I don’t give a fuck anymore. Just don’t come crying to me when he shows his true colours ‘cause I sure as hell won’t care. You deserve everything you get.”
    I gape at him and then watch as he storms off to the kitchen. Even when he’s no longer in my sights, I continue staring after him.
    Shit, I think I touched a nerve this time.
    Even so, a small part of me can’t help but feel jubilant that I finally stood up for myself.
    Fuck! I’ve screwed up big time.
    I’ll admit it, telling her to fuck off wasn’t

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