The Notes

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Authors: Ronald Reagan
Tags: Non-Fiction
& with Am. prisoners rotting in their cells in Hanoi. He’s putting his own pol. selfish interests ahead of the W.F. of those young Ams. & of the taxpayers of this country who are bearing the burden.

“Life” 7/7/72 On Death Of J. Edgar Hoover

I could feel nothing but relief that he was no longer a pub. servant.

P. 93 Mcgovern’s Biog.

I don’t know how Karl Mundt felt about me but I know I hated his guts. I hated him so much I lost my balance.

Cong. Record Sept. 8 1964—P. 21690

I regard Mr. Goldwater as the most unstable, radical & extremist ever to run for the presidency in either pol. party.
    Tax Law

    S ec. 351(e)(1) Internal Revenue Code—deals with collapsible corps.—The 1st sentence contains 551 words (Since ’76 tax reform act).

    L ast sentence of sec. 509(a)(5) of the Code—“For purposes of paragraph 3 an org. described in par. 2 shall be deemed to include an org. described in Section 501(c) 4, 5, or 6 which would be described in par. 2 if it were an org. described in sec. 501(c)(3).

    I nc. tax law was passed in 1914. Since then Dems. have cut the tax once. Repubs. have cut it 14 times. I used this in a speech in 1978. A ’78 poll had shown 95% of people rated inflat. as our biggest problem. 81% put high cost of govt. & taxes 2nd. In some poll a majority said Dems. are better at cutting taxes than Republicans.
    Norman Thomas

    O ur Dem. friends are too Utopian, they promise too much to everyone too easily. Ind. News. Oct. 1960.
    Gov. E. Warren, 1948

    L arge counties are far more important in the life of our state than their population bears to the entire pop. of the st. It is for this reason that I have never been in favor of re-distributing representation in our Sen. on a strictly population basis.
    Oct. 1957, “Foreign Affairs”

    S en. J. F. Kennedy urged that we disengage from European conservatives & establish closer liaison with the soc. forces. He declared—“The age of Adenauer is over.”
    Dr. John Hannah, Pres. Michigan St.

    S peaks out for “Nat. direction of education as a primary instrument of nat. policy.”
    Mr. H. Thomas James, School of Ed. Stanford U.

    A s the states have denied, 1st to the family, & then to local communities, the right to make decision on ed. contrary to staff defined policy, so the nation may be expected to deny the states the right to make decisions on educational policy that are not in accord with the emerging national policy for ed .
    Graham Barden (Recently) Chairman, House Ed. & Labor Comm.

    P urpose of Fed. aid bill of ’57 was to centralize power over our school system here in Wash. where it is easier to apply concentrated pressure.



    T here are 3 kinds of lies: lies, d—m lies, & statistics.

    T hose Congressmen who worried about being bugged by the FBI—you’d think they’d be glad someone was listening to them.

    L etter addressed to occupant—ever think of sending check back signed occupant.

    A ll for econ. as long as they can spend more money.

    T heir idea of fighting crime is longer suspended sentences.

    L ike saying Burton married E. Taylor for her money.

    W hen operating on a Demo. pol. even the keenest analytic surgeon cannot separate demagogic from solid tissue without killing his patient.

    F ireman boasted he’d caught 20 lb. salmon. Q: “Any witnesses?” A: “If there weren’t . . . would have weighed 40 lbs.”

    S imple diet—if it tastes good spit it out.

    E conomist is a fellow who takes long steps to save his new $10 shoes & splits his $20 slacks.

    S ome people try to be so broadminded they wind up just shallow.

    E very time the govt. shifts to the left the decimal point in taxes shifts to the right.

    S ome tasks have to be put off a doz. times before they slip your mind.

    W hen all the cars in the city are laid end to end it’s a weekend.

    I gnorance can’t be bliss or a lot of people would be jumping up & down with joy.

    I f you wrote 9 people today & each of them wrote to 9 diff.

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