Wet (The Water's Edge #1)

Free Wet (The Water's Edge #1) by Stacy Kestwick

Book: Wet (The Water's Edge #1) by Stacy Kestwick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacy Kestwick
passed the bar, moving toward the double doors to the deck so I could find Rue. Normally, she was the life of the party, laughing and joking alongside everyone else. It wasn’t like her to be so reclusive. I finally found her curled up on a bench in the corner of the deck, staring out over the marsh at a pelican perched on an abandoned dock piling. I sat down next to her, looking from her to the bird and back again. “He doesn’t seem like much of a conversationalist,” I pointed out.
    She turned to me, her lips twisted and her eyes cloudy. She shook her head and focused on me.
    “Hey,” I said softly, “Something wrong? We don’t have to go to Grady’s. We can just go home.”
    “No! I’m fine. I’m fine,” she repeated with more force.
    I raised my eyebrows. “You trying to convince me or yourself?”
    She looked back at the bird and set her chin. “Maybe both. You ready to go? I saw Grady leave with Marissa awhile ago.”
    “Who’s Marissa?”
    Rue shrugged. “His flavor of the week, I guess. I don’t really know her. He stopped me to say hi and introduced us. She looks like an anime pixie, all big eyes and big boobs, with a tiny little body.”
    I tried to contain my smile. “Jealous?”
    Rue whipped her head back around to me. “Of her? Hell, no! Why would I be jealous? She’s just some chick passing through. No one will even remember her next week.” She waved her hand dismissively.
    I sat there in silence, watching her with a mixture of concern and curiosity. Something about Grady seemed to get to Rue. And I’d never seen a guy get to Rue before. She had her jaw clenched and was avoiding eye contact. “Okay. I guess I’ll see you inside in a few minutes then.”
    I was passing by the bar again to tell Theo we were heading out, when a hand grabbed my elbow. Turning, I found West looking down at me, brow furrowed. “Yes?” I asked.
    He crossed his arms over his chest. “You headed to Grady’s with everyone?”
    “I’d planned on it. Although, I still haven’t actually met the guy.”
    “Grady’s a good guy. Just…” He paused. “Just be careful there. Sometimes his parties get a little wild.”
    I lifted the corner of my mouth, offering him a faint smile. “I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”
    He looked at me, his gaze dragging over my face and dropping down to my legs. “Then why do I have to keep rescuing you?”
    Raising my eyebrows, I looked at him in disbelief. He lifted his in return, challenging me. Nodding, I licked my lips. “Tell you what, West. If I need rescuing later, you’ll be the first one I call.” I patted his arm and started to move past him.
    “Is that your not-so-subtle way of asking for my number?”
    I paused, straightened my shoulders, then continued on without looking back.
    His deep laughter followed me, taunting me.

    W hen we got to Grady’s, Rue left me with Theo and disappeared to the makeshift bar set up in the kitchen. I started to go after her, but Theo caught my arm and steered me in the other direction. “C’mon,” he urged. “I’ll introduce you to Grady.”
    I tried not to gawk as he led me through the foyer and into the living room. Grady lived in a show-off house. An impressive show-off house. As we entered the main living space, I couldn’t help but look up. The ceiling had to be at least three stories high in this room. It was ridiculous. Huge windows showcased the Intracoastal Waterway, where a few boats still zipped around. Sunrises and sunsets would look amazing from here.
    This house was more Rue’s lifestyle than mine. Her parents’ house was a lot like this — echoing rooms, custom drapes, polished floors, clutter-free, dust-free, personality-free. The Hawthorne’s rental properties had more character and charm than their actual house, thank God. My upbringing was decidedly more middle class. My parents were sound engineers in Nashville and made a decent living. They didn’t work with the big names

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