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Book: Hard by Kathryn Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Thomas
threatening again. If she could just be more like Lindy, so sure of what she wanted and where she was going. She stared at the ceiling, praying for an answer to appear there, but none did.
    Finally, she grabbed her phone and dialed the one person she knows she could trust.

    “You’re sure you don’t want to stay?” Treble asked as they kissed and touched, not opposed to going a third time. There was something about her, something beyond her stunning figure and angelic face, which tickled his peach.
    It was almost two and Lindy was beginning to feel uncomfortable. “I want to, but I need to go home. I need a shower—”
    “I have a shower.”
    “—and to change clothes,” she continued as if Treble hadn’t spoken.
    “But you won’t mind if I call you later?”
    She smiled at him. He had better call me later. “Not at all. I hope you will.”
    He had other women give him the brushoff before, but he was glad Lindy wasn’t one of them. “You want one for the road?” he asked as he softly stroked the inside of her thigh.
    “Mmm…I would love one, but I’m a little sore. Later?”
    “I don’t know if I can wait that long,” he said with a grin, his fingers inching closer to her.
    “You better stop or I might change my mind.”
    “That’s a bad thing?”
    “It is if it makes me so sore it takes a week to recover.”
    He bent and slowly kissed her stomach. “There are other ways.”
    She took a deep breath and steeled her resolve. “It won’t stop there. You know it and I know it. Besides, you probably have women waiting outside the RV right this minute for a taste.”
    He grinned as he recognized the trap. “I’m only interested in one at the moment.”
    She smiled at his skillful dodge. She was feeling a little clingy, and she knew it, but she was trying to rein it in and get her balance back. She needed a little bit of space to sort out her feelings and get control of herself. “Call me in a day or two if you are still interested.”
    “I need your number.”
    She rose from the bed, enjoying how he let his fingers drag along her skin until the last moment. She wandered into the front of the RV, putting some swing into her hips to give him a show and then returned with a business card with a number written on the back. He took the card and kissed it before laying it on the side table beside the clock.
    “Not too early. I have to catch up on my sleep.”
    “I can help you with that,” he teased.
    Yes he can. “We’ll see.” She was playing hard to get, but she liked the fact that he at least appeared to be interested in her for more than a quick fuck. It was probably all part of the game, but it made her want him all the more. “Take me to my car?”
    “You won’t stay?”
    “No. Not now, but maybe later.”
    He stared into her large eyes a moment longer and then kissed her softly. The kiss lingered, and he hoped it was going somewhere, but she slowly pushed him away.
    “Right. Car,” he sighed.
    “Call me tomorrow?” she asked as she handed him the extra helmet. Goddamn it! I hate this whiny insecure little girl shit!
    “If I can fit it into my busy schedule,” he said, flashing her his best grin to let her know he was teasing.
    “Busy schedule, huh? What do you do that would keep you so busy on a Sunday?”
    “Hey, a handyman’s work is never done. You never know when a problem might crop up and need dealing with.”
    “You’re a handyman?”
    “In a manner of speaking.”
    “What does that mean?”
    “It means that unless there is an emergency, I’ll call you.”
    “That didn’t answer the question.”
    He grinned again, enjoying the verbal fencing. “I handle problems, just like all handymen. If someone has a problem, they give me a call and I try to take care of it. Nothing to

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