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Book: Hard by Kathryn Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Thomas
    She looked at him, sensing there was truth in what he said, but the way he worded it made it seem there was a lot more to it than a leaky pipe or broken window. Still, it was none of her business, so she let it go. “I had a good time.”
    “I did, too.” He watched as she looked down and scuffed her toe on the pavement. “Is there something else?” he asked, feeling like she was holding something back.
    “I just wanted to say…thank you. Thank you for being so…understanding and gentle. It didn’t happen quite like I imagined it would…but…I’m glad it was you.”
    “No regrets?” he asked softly, touched in spite of himself by her words.
    “No regrets.” She stepped in close and bent down to kiss him softly on the lips. He took one hand off the handlebar and placed it on the back of her head, holding her gently into the kiss until she pulled back.
    She watched him a moment, her emotions in turmoil. She wanted to see him again, but at the same time, she felt like she needed some space to sort out how she actually felt. She couldn’t feel anything for him, not after just one night, and it had to be losing her virginity to him that made her feel the way she did. But it didn’t change the fact that she had to force herself not to invite him back to her apartment right now.
    “I’ll call you,” he said before starting his bike. He could see the war raging within her and he wanted to give her an out. Besides, the last thing he needed was some clingy chick that thought she owned him after a roll in the sack. Lindy didn’t strike him as that type of woman, but she was probably a bit confused right now. He could remember how he felt about the girl that had taken his virginity and how disappointed he had been that he was nothing more than a lied. He had recovered, and now recognized it as part of the process, but he didn’t want Lindy to feel like that. He would give her some space and then if she wanted another tumble, he would gladly oblige her.
    Lindy watched as Treble pulled away, disappointment mixed with relief at his leaving. She stood outside her car a moment then snorted. She didn’t believe that handyman stuff for a instant, or at the very least there was a lot more to it than he indicated, but at the same time, she would have never picked him to be as considerate and gentle as he was. Yes, he looked like a wet dream, and was covered in tattoos, and he certainly knew how to please a woman, and knew it. But beneath all that, there was a certain charm and caring she really liked.
    As she sat down in her car, she squirmed a bit, the pleasant soreness between her legs reminding her of not only what she had lost, but what she had gained. The loss of her innocence, if you could call it that, paled in comparison to making the final step into adulthood and being able to experience the pleasures of man and woman. As the Golf sprang to life, she smiled. Her parents would shit kittens if they knew, but she actually was glad it had been Jack “Treble” Johnson, a muscled up, tattooed, leather wearing, gang member, that had deflowered her. Her smiled broadened as she shifted the car into drive, imagining the look on Bridget’s face when she told her.
    That was precisely the moment when her phone rang with a call from Bridget.
    “Lindy. I need a favor.”
    “Okay, what?”
    “I got a tattoo last night and I—”
    “You what?”
    “A tattoo. I want you to go with me to finish it.”
    “You’ve got to be kidding! Dad is going to kill you!”
    “He doesn’t have to know and you can’t tell him.”
    “How can he not know?”
    “It’s really small, and it’s on my ankle. He’ll never notice it if you don’t tell him.”
    “Okay. But if he notices it, I’m going to deny knowing anything about it.”
    “That’s my brave little sister. So you’ll do it?”
    “I guess. Why do you need

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