Seduced 1
this time it was the perfect body of a man. With an utter ease of motion, he was going down and then coming up.
    His dark black hair was tied into a ponytail and his face was straight ahead, looking at the ground. He didn't move his eyes from that single spot until he was done with fifty push-ups. His back was straight and his legs were fixed in one straight line. It was like watching someone doing exercise on a television show.“Now stand up. I'm going to teach you a basic kick today,” he ordered.
    “I can't, I don't have the strength.”
    He jumped to his feet, bent over me and, with ease, pulled me up by holding my shoulders.
    “Ridiculous,” I whispered.
    “Am I so light that you can pick me up like a feather”
    “Nope, it’s the technique. I’ll teach you that someday.”
    I was exhausted, but his touch sent tingles through my body, like a musician’s hand plays a tune with his instrument, a divine tune. With great effort, I stood on my own legs and tried to balance myself in one position, but it was harder than I expected. I couldn’t believe that my own legs and lower back were betraying me. My body was screaming in pain.
    He stood in front of me, looking at me up and down. He sighed, and said, “I know you are done for the day, but you have to learn this one kick before ending our session. Just follow me.” He balanced himself on his left leg and stretched his right leg away from his body and then, folding his leg in at the knee, he kicked sideways.
    It looked so easy when he did it like that. I thought I could do it easily, but when I tried to balance on one leg, my other leg gave out and the next moment, I was in Tristan's arms. He had reached out as I fell, and saved me from falling hard on the ground.
    “Let me help you again. Concentrate, this time.” He went to my back and held me close to him, with one hand on my belly. His touch ignited a desire inside me, a dark desire I never thought I would have. I sucked in a breath as his other hand grabbed my right thigh; his hand was touching my inner thigh and that was the most action I had gotten in a whole year. I felt my sex tighten as his hand moved on my thighs. I shrugged as his groin brushed against my ass from behind.
    “Keep your butt tight and balance on one leg.” His hand pushed hard on my belly.“I said tighten your butt, don’t keep it loose.” His mouth was very close to my ear as he gave me instructions ,and my body was shattering with every breath. The woman in me was crying for his touch and was battling with the urge to turn around and kiss him.
    And then something happened; he must have realized the charge between us. Suddenly, he released me and turned around.
    My heart skipped a beat. I wanted him; I wanted his lips pressed on mine. I couldn't bear it anymore. I walked in front of him and looked into his eyes. He walked backwards without taking his eyes off me. I pushed him until he hit the wall, and when there was no place for him to go, I pushed my hand on his chest.
    “What are you afraid of, Tristan? Are you bothered by last night's incident?”
    “No, but—””
    I stopped his words with a kiss. Without letting him argue, I pressed my lips on his. My urge, my desire, won. It was totally opposite of my normal character. I was usually shy in these kinds of situations, but I was desperate right then, desperate for a kiss—from him.. I closed my eyes, feeling his lips and sucking. I couldn’t get enough of the taste of him.
    His hand moved around my waist and as his hands fell on my ass, his other hand tugged on my hair, and the next moment, he was all over me. His lips were sucking my skin, nibbling at my neck, licking my lips; he was kissing every inch of my face His hand was freely moving on my ass, grabbing it, squeezing it. When his lips finally met mine, I melted into their sweetness. It definitely wasn't the first kiss of my life, but it was absolutely the best one. I wished that it wouldn't end and

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