
Free Stripped by Lauren Dane

Book: Stripped by Lauren Dane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Dane
already know.”
    â€œI like to do things on my own, Nash.”
    â€œYou have. You are. Look, Dahlia, you’re an MBA. You know the world of business isn’t just about how hard you work but who you know. Joseph isn’t an idiot. He wouldn’t hire you just because I talked you up. He already thinks you’re a good candidate and if my speaking to him adds to the reasons why he should hire you, that’s not a bad thing, is it?”
    Swallowing down the last of her coffee, she stopped fighting her smile. “Okay. I appreciate that, Nash. But this kind of thing is really important to me. I want to make this on my own merits, you know?”
    He put his hands at her waist and drew her closer. “I do know. When you grow up with money, people assume you got ahead because of that and not your own work. I would never sabotage you or try and make an end run around you like that. I’m really good at talking to people, you know. It’s what I do.”
    â€œI can see you’re very good at it.”
    Nash couldn’t hide his pleasure, leaning in to kiss her neck, not wanting to mess up her lipstick. “He was impressed with the work you did for them.”
    Joseph had also said that once the women in the office had gotten to know Dahlia, the hostility level had dropped and her work had improved even more.
    She blushed, clearly pleased. “God. Okay, I can’t think about that right now. I need to go. There’s food in the fridge. Just lock up when you leave.”
    Something inside him quailed a moment and then eased. “Will you call me later on to let me know how it went?”
    She kissed him quickly and pulled on her suit jacket. The deep gray complemented her coloring, but she appeared very professional.
    And, still, her sensuality smoldered. It wasn’t overt. She wasn’t trying, she just was sexy. He loved that about her and hoped she’d find it within herself to accept that as a part of who she was. Anger at Warner boiled up for a moment, but he shoved it away—she didn’t need it.
    â€œI’ll call you this afternoon when I come home to eat before work.”
    â€œWhy don’t you come to my place for a change? We can eat there and I’ll go to the club with you. Spend the night, Dahlia.”
    She eyed him suspiciously. “You sure?”
    â€œWhy do you ask like that? Of course I’m sure or I wouldn’t have asked. I want to see you later. I like having you within reach when I wake up. That’s very handy.”
    She rolled her eyes. “Okay, then. What time should I be there?”
    He told her where to park and that he’d be home after three, and she kissed him once more and left.

    D ahlia looked out the window as she used the StairMaster. StairMaster time was what she imagined hell to be. Every second felt like a year as her thighs burned.
    Still, she didn’t lack for things to think about. Her interview had gone really well, and this job could totally change her life.
    She’d miss The Dollhouse, but she’d have a regular schedule and be doing something exciting and challenging. And she certainly had no complaints about the salary and benefits. Not living like a student had a lot of appeal after six years.
    Still, if she did get the job it wouldn’t start full-time until toward the end of next semester. It was all theoretical at that point, so Dahlia didn’t want to get her heart set on anything until she knew more.
    The winter break was approaching and she had to decide what to do. Her mother wanted her to come back home to visit for Christmas, and she did miss everyone.
    But that led into the other big thing she’d been thinking about. Nash. She’d been seeing him for a month. If he was in town, they were together. He kept in regular contact if he was gone. He’d become a part of her life before she’d realized it. Maybe she needed the time away to figure it

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